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Re: [News] [Rights] New Laws Used to Steal Freedoms Away

____/ [H]omer on Sunday 11 November 2007 22:10 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Look at the Internet. If legal sharing was not possible, we would be
>> looking at boring barebone pages, wouldn't we? Or just visit one
>> among the 'major' sites like CNN.com and MSBBC.co.uk
> The Bush & Blair "My first love" video clip is hilarious.
> But this talk illustrates the point, that the disease of "IP" insanity
> threatens culture more than any single dictatorship in history. It
> stifles everything from creativity to political commentary, reducing
> people to the status of mute sheep, who march from the cradle to the
> grave, whilst accomplishing nothing ... contributing *nothing* to
> society, other than padding out the pockets of those vile manipulators
> who want to control everything and everyone, for the sake of their sick
> addiction to power and greed.

It makes many sites (Groklaw for example) very graphicsless. It's appalling.
Thank goodness for peer production-like resources such as Stock Exchange and
Wiki Media. I use them a lot. In fact, that's where a lot of BN.com graphics
come from.

Wait until MSBBC says that it's no longer legal to quote fragments of text from
that site. A few years ago, Sainsbury's forbade /LINKING/ to their /OWN/ site.
Yes! Linking!!

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows: innovative VTP technology (Virus Transfer
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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