"chrisv" <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> "cc" <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht
> news:c34123eb-1a05-4e4e-8a67-6c620ea32dcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> On Nov 29, 3:06 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Thursday 29 November 2007 07:28 : \____
>>> > Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> >> ____/ cc on Thursday 29 November 2007 01:12 : \____
>>> >>> On Nov 28, 6:51 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> >>> wrote:
>>> >>>> ____/ cc on Wednesday 28 November 2007 11:16 : \____
>>> >>>> > On Nov 27, 12:53 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> >>>> > wrote:
>>> >>>> >> Oops. That was PSPs, notPS3s. Sorry about that.
>>> >>>> > Either way, Linux capable does not mean Linux is being put
>>> on >>>> > them.
>>> >>>> > There are billions of Linux capable PCs out there that are running
>>> >>>> > Windows. Fussing overPS3sis a lost cause. Get people to use
>>> Linux >>>> > on
>>> >>>> > their desktop instead.
>>> >>>> People own these boxes and use them for a period of something
>>> like 5 >>>> years
>>> >>>> (judging by the PS2). Linux is always there, it's free, and it keeps
>>> >>>> improving rapidly (the various PS3 builds are not
>>> static). When PS3 >>>> owners
>>> >>>> get bored with the games they have bought, it's likely that
>>> some of >>>> them
>>> >>>> will try that 'free thingie' that turns their console into a
>>> PC >>>> which
>>> >>>> allows them to write documents and browser the Web on a large plasma
>>> >>>> screen with surround sound (as time goes by, TVs will improve also).
>>> >>> It is not likely, and it hasn't happened. The PS2 could run
>>> Linux >>> too,
>>> >>> and that didn't happen, and it was a much better seller. XBox360 is
>>> >>> killing the PS3 right now, but they aren't going to be Windows
>>> >>> machines either. They're used exclusively for game consoles.
>>> >> It's the Nintendo Wii that appears to be taking a comfortable
>>> lead. >> You're
>>> >> incorrect.
>>> > Indeed, and PS3 is selling very well too since the last
>>> price > cut.
>>> > Speaking to friends, it appears to be the christmas console of choice.
>>> > All the figures I've seen show Xbox360 in big trouble.
>>> Unless you listen to WinTrolls (spin).
>> Mark has seen figures that show the XBox360 is in trouble, so they
>> must exist somewhere. Please tell me where I can find them.
> He can't, he's a liar!
> http://linuxidiots.blogspot.com/2007/09/mark-kent-liar.html
> <US sales>
> Xbox 360: 5.6 million
> Nintendo Wii: 2.8 million
> PlayStation 3: 1.4 million
I would stop short of calling him a liar. Let him show us the figures to
prove his point. Surely he can't just be making this rubbish up?