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[News] Zenoss Delivered to Linux, Also Packaged as Appliance (Linux)

  • Subject: [News] Zenoss Delivered to Linux, Also Packaged as Appliance (Linux)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 04:08:14 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Zenoss: New dog masters old monitoring tricks

,----[ Quote ]
| Zenoss is distributed either in the form of Linux RPM (Red Hat Package 
| Manager) packages or as a prebuilt VMware appliance. It is readily compatible 
| with a wide range of popular Linux distributions as well as Apple's OS X. 
| Distribution in the form of a VMware appliance makes Zenoss easy to evaluate 
| and helps pave the way for shops with no Linux expertise or available 
| dedicated hardware to implement it. The RPM installation is nicely scripted 
| and works well enough such that an admin with very limited Linux experience 
| will find it relatively painless to get up and running. Upgrades are also 
| relatively easy to accomplish ??? usually only requiring the application of a 
| new RPM and the execution of a data migration script.         


Kick the Tires on Zenoss


Forget about an O/S with native applications. You can just run many O/Ses
(appliances) on the same machine. Windows is becoming irrelevant in this way,
regardless of the lockins (Microsoft APIs). Another threat to it are Web-based
services/apps and a new breed of board/BIOSes (see bottom).


Virtual appliances spawn new class of Linux distros

,----[ Quote ]
| Traditionally, vendors have based appliances on Linux by preconfiguring their 
| software on a dedicated x86 server. For instance, open source networking 
| specialist Vyatta Inc. sells networking appliances with router, firewall and 
| virtual private network software on a Dell Inc. PowerEdge server.   


Openbravo Partners with rPath to Build ERP Software Appliance

,----[ Quote ]
| This step reflects Openbravo's commitment to building the Openbravo Network, 
| a support contract for Openbravo ERP applications, due to be launched in 
| November.   


Virtualization is hot because Windows is not.

,----[ Quote ]
| Like many frustrated Unix weenies I bear a long standing resentment for the 
| way Microsoft simply obliterated the enterprise server market back in the mid 
| 90’s. Whether your favorite flavor was Solaris, HPUX, AIX, or IRIX (mine!) a 
| Unix guy grew up with things like reliability, uptime, shared resources, 
| multitasking, simple interface and openness.    


rPath Launches Certified Software Appliance Architect Curriculum

,----[ Quote ]
| Customers are demanding simpler methods of purchasing, using, 
| and managing applications. Software vendors are satisfying 
| this demand through software appliances, delivered in either 
| virtual machine or physical hardware formats.


VMware opens virtual-appliance marketplace

,----[ Quote ]
| That friction highlights the role that operating systems such as
| Linux can play in appliances. Because Linux can be freely
| redistributed, companies may wrap it up along with their
| higher-level software.
| Indeed, rPath, a start-up that focuses on embedding Linux into
| server appliances, announced a virtual push for its products.
| Last week, the company announced that it supports appliances
| built atop the open-source Xen virtualization foundation.
| Tuesday, it said it's offering a promotional period of free
| help for software companies trying to convert their
| applications into Linux-based virtual appliances. 


Red Hat to Build a Virtual Appliance OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Open-source solution provider Red Hat will use its annual summit to
| share its vision of a new paradigm for business PCs, which includes
| a partnership with Intel Corp. to deploy appliances in a virtual
| machine to bring enterprise-class management and security to the PC.


Citadel Virtual Appliance for VMware

,----[ Quote ]
| It consists of a pre-built system which can be run inside any VMware
| product, several of which are free. The Citadel virtual appliance
| contains a preconfigured Linux host, with complete Citadel system
| (including WebCit). Spam protection using SpamAssassin and virus
| protection using ClamAV are already installed and integrated
| into the system.


Talking virtualization with rPath

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is arriving late to virtualization, as it often does to
| a new technology. In 2006, Microsoft announced cooperative development
| with XenSource, and introduced its Test Drive program, with four
| sample appliances. Adams describes these developments as "good
| tactical moves."
| However, he adds that Microsoft "is probably not going to be
| shipping production ready stuff until later in 2007," which will
| probably be somewhat behind its competitors like VMware.


Network Engines Introduces ACE Linux for Appliances

,----[ Quote ]
| ACE Linux is a Conary-based Linux distribution that will be customized for 
| each customer’s platform.  


The Other Open-Source IP PBX

,----[ Quote ]
| The company makes its money by providing support for those who use the 
| software as the basis for business phone systems, as well as by selling the 
| appliances, which are based on Intel-based Linux servers.  


Microsoft nonchalant about Phoenix assault on Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| BIOS maker Phoenix Technologies Ltd.'s plans to market a new application 
| platform the company claims will solve a number of problems endemic to 
| Microsoft's Windows platform might be taken as a provocative gesture at their 
| longtime partner. But Redmond's immediate reaction was nonchalant.   
| On Monday, the Milpitas, Calif. software maker announced Hyperspace, a 
| Linux-based virtualization platform that will let OEMs bundle cut-down 
| versions of popular open-source software that end users will be able to 
| access instantly, even without booting Windows.    


Phoenix HyperSpace: Quick-Boot Your Laptop

,----[ Quote ]
| Phoenix Technologies' new HyperSpace is an instant-on environment for 
| laptops, letting users launch a browser or other apps with booting into the 
| OS.  
| Today, Phoenix Technologies introduced a firmware product called HyperSpace, 
| which allows PCs to run a number of applications separate from the operating 
| system. What that means is that if you use a PC equipped with HyperSpace, you 
| will be able to quick-boot your notebook into a secure Linux environment, 
| where you can use Web browsers like FireFox and pre-loaded Web-aware apps 
| like Google Earth, Picasa, and the like.     
| [...]
| Also, since HyperSpace is a Linux-based platform, Windows viruses won't 
| affect it. 


Dell Creating Consumer PCs Complete with Virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| And in a similar fashion to what Parallels and VMware Fusion did for the 
| Intel-based Mac community, this could give the Linux operating system a boost 
| from consumers who want to use the open source software but don't want to 
| lose out on what Microsoft's Windows platforms offer.   


Dell to stuff hypervisors in flash memory

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell CTO Kevin Kettler today confirmed these plans during a speech here at 
| LinuxWorld, saying the company expects to see major performance and 
| power-saving improvements by dumping a hypervisor in flash. Customers will 
| basically "boot to a virtual machine-ready" state, he said.   


Microsoft flip-flops on Vista virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| Software like Parallels Desktop for the Mac or Microsoft's own Virtual 
| PC for Windows allow multiple operating systems to run simultaneously. 
| When it announced licensing rules for Vista last year, Microsoft said 
| that only Vista Business and Vista Ultimate could run as guest 
| operating systems. The company said virtualization presents inherent 
| security risks and that it hoped by limiting which versions of the OS 
| could act as virtual machines, only sophisticated users and businesses 
| would employ the tactic.


Is need for control behind Microsoft's flip-flop?

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, Gartner analyst Michael Silver took Microsoft to task 
| for its continued restrictions.
| "Microsoft's policies...come off as a way to gouge customers," Silver 
| said in an e-mail, noting that customers are forced to pay for higher 
| priced editions, even though they don't get many of the benefits, like
|  the Aero user interface, which often won't work in a virtual machine.
| Silver argues that Microsoft is likely leaving money on the table. 
| "Allowing use of lower priced (editions) could even be worth more 
| money to Microsoft as it would likely increase the number of people 
| that would legally run a Microsoft OS in a VM (like on a Mac)," 
| Silver wrote. "Eventually they will have no choice but to make their 
| peace with virtualization."


ASUS add WiFi-N, quick-boot Linux to P5E3 motherboard

,----[ Quote ]
| hat last part is perhaps the most interesting; ASUS are calling it Express 
| Gate, but it’s basically a fast-boot alternative that, in just five seconds, 
| bypasses Windows and gives you a web-browser running in a custom Linux OS.   


Mach Boot: The live CD that supposedly boots in 10 seconds

,----[ Quote ]
| Mach Boot won't replace Knoppix, and it won't replace Puppy, DSL or NimbleX 
| either. But it's a tool all its own, one that could be very useful with a 
| little more development time.  


Tiny WiFi-enabled Linux box boots in 1.1 seconds

,----[ Quote ]
| Technologic continues to reduce the boot time, price, and size of
| its embedded boards and systems targeting remote sensing and other
| power-critical applications. Its new $100 ARM9-based TS-7400 board can
| boot Linux in 1.1 seconds, and is available as part of a tiny
| WiFi-enabled system.


Flexible ARM9 SBC boots Linux in 1.69 seconds

,----[ Quote ]
| Technologic Systems is offering a freely downloadable, Debian-based Linux
| OS image said to boot from an SD card in less than two seconds, on the
| company's ARM9-based SBC (single-board computer).


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