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Re: [News] Video Proof: Linux Boots Far More Quickly Than Windows XP

asstroturfer flatfish wrote on behalf of big corporations:

> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 02:36:20 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Ubuntu vs. That Other OS
>>,----[ Quote ]
> Who cares?

Apparently you do to rise to dismiss the great accomplishment
on behalf of some big corporations out there...

> While you Linux nerds are timing the boot sequence, Windows users are
> using APPLICATIONS. You know, those nasty things that Linux has so few
> quality versions of?
> BTW, I thought you Linux kooks don't reboot, ever?

If you only have half a brain cell, it would out you for being
a spliffing idiot.

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