In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 20:07:52 +0000
> PlayStation 2 Game ICO Violates the GPL
> ,----[ Quote
> | "Apparently the video game ICO for the Playstation 2
> | is using GPL-licensed code from libarc. Sony could end
> | up having to release the source code for the entire game!"
> `----
Somebody does not understand the GPL. At most, any
modifications to libarc needed for ICO to function might
have to be fed back to the community, unless one can
claim ICO is a "derived work" thereof -- which is unlikely.
Clearly, there's a violation here, but it's not something
that's going to kill ICO. Not that we wouldn't mind
the source code release, mind you... :-)
I think the main problem here is giving credit where credit's due.
> Related and recent:
> ASUS eeePC: First impressions and GPL violations
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | What you won't find on that site are sources.
> | ASUS is bound by the GPL to make the sources for
> | the software they're distributing available,
In the sense of providing a link thereto, or a download area,
> | even if
> | they have not modified them. (Check the license if you
> | don't believe me.) ASUS has posted a 1.8GB ZIP file on
> | their website that they claim is the sources, but it's
> | not -- it contains a few .debs (not even the versions that
> | ship on the machine) and some kernel headers. (Perhaps
> | they figured nobody would pull 1.8GB from their
> | slow-as-molasses site and find out.)
> `----
> ASUSTek is committed to meet the requirements of the GNU General Public License
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The open source code for EeePC is available here.
> | To download the source code of all open source software
> | packages that are included in the product, follow
> | the steps listed below.
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | Asus is also pleased to announce the upcoming release of the Eee PC SDK.
> `----
> In Defense of The GPL
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Ravicher, however, said it is not yet clear whether
> | the BusyBox litigation has had a measurable impact
> | on proper GPL usage or caused potential violators
> | to clean up their acts.
> `----
#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux. Because it's not the desktop that's
important, it's the ability to DO something
with it.
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