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[News] Governments Increasingly Accept Free Software and Linux

  • Subject: [News] Governments Increasingly Accept Free Software and Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 22:58:11 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Open source is a low risk political strategy

,----[ Quote ]
| One question that arises is whether they could seriously have done otherwise. 
| Given the potential of open to reduce the amount of tax payers’ money spent 
| on national and local IT projects, would any politician be daft enough to 
| speak out against open source.   
| [...]
| P.S. A poll of the web sites of US Presidential hopefuls in June by Douglas 
| Karr indicated that 48% were running Linux, compared to 43% running Windows 
| and 9% FreeBSD. 70% of Democratic candidates were running Linux, compared to 
| 31% of Republicans.   



French presidential candidates on free software, related issues

,----[ Quote ]
| The only question on which most candidates differed sharply was whether
| they were in favor of governments promoting open standards and free
| software. Yet, even here, the difference was mostly a matter of
| emphasis. Besancenot, Bové, Buffet, Le Pen, and Voynet all declared
| that they would encourage both open standards and free software,
| differing only on whether they would simply "encourage" them, as
| Le Pen promised, implement a policy favoring them, as Voynet suggested,
| or develop an agency to promote them, as Buffet suggested. By
| contrast, Bayrou and Royal, the two major candidates who responded,
| were more cautious, suggesting that such advocacy had to be tempered
| by the standards of responsible government. Bayrou in particular
| suggested that such principles as "good use of public funds," "freedom
| of access," and "equal treatment" were more important than promoting
| open standards and free software.


The commie smear against open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Because proprietary companies will always spend more of their
| money on marketing than open source outfits, it pops up regularly
| in the best of places, such as at Time Magazine recently. Or
| Microsoft sends CEO Steve Ballmer to London, so he can rant
| about how his lawyers are going to make all Linux users pay
| Microsoft for their stuff.
| It's nonsense.
| This is not "the gift economy," as Justin Fox calls it in Time.
| This is people taking advantage of the fact that the Internet
| has no distribution costs, which means marketing costs can
| also sink to zero. No ads in Time doesn't make you a communist.


Free software and politics in Yankeetown

,----[ Summary ]
| How free software tools helped to turn the tide against big development
| in a small Florida town


French National Assembly receives first open source laptops

,----[ Quote ]
| The laptops come loaded with a customized version of Ubuntu 7.04 and 
| productivity applications that include Firefox 2.0, OpenOffice.org 2.1, 
| Thunderbird 2.0, Lightning, VLC Media Player and Adobe Reader.  


The French Parliament switches to Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| The French Parliament looks to be the next big Ubuntu switcher according to 
| reports. Recently the Parliament produced an official government report 
| that recommended the use of free software over proprietary software. The 
| switch to free software is expected to provide a substantial savings to the 
| tax-payers according to the government study.


Linux reaches the Italian Parliament

,----[ Quote ]
| As reported by the Italian newspaper Repubblica on July 10th, 2007, a plan 
| suggested by the left deputies Pietro Folena and Franco Grillini to migrate 
| all the computers of the Parliament from Windows to Linux was approved by the 
| Chamber.   
| The migration will affect about 3500 boxes of the Chamber, both desktops and 
| servers, and each Deputy/Party may also ask to migrate his/its (private) 
| computers to the Free System.  


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