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[News] GNU/Linux Desktops Grow Quickly in Businesses

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Desktops Grow Quickly in Businesses
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 22:52:02 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux desktops grow and grow and grow

,----[ Quote ]
| Use of the Linux operating system on desktop machines is continuing to grow 
| with small and medium business showing the most enthusiasm for the open 
| source software.  


Linux Reaching a Tipping Point on Desktop, Writer Says

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux on the desktop and running in a corporate environment is rapidly 
| growing to the point now that a “tipping point” has been reached in the 
| operating system battle with Windows, writes Stephen Vaughan-Nichols at 
| Desktop Linux.com.   



Linux Users Base More Than doubled Over Last One Year: Survey

,----[ Quote ]
| The number of Linux users has more than doubled over the last one year, says 
| a new survey by DesktopLinux.com. The survey also said Ubuntu remains their 
| Linux distribution of choice.  


Survey: Desktop Linux use grows

,----[ Quote ]
| DesktopLinux.com, which is a Web site devoted to, obviously, desktop Linux, 
| has finished a survey that found more than a doubling of Linux desktop users 
| in the past year.  


,----[ Quote ]
| Okay, now lets tie this all back in together. Novell claimed several months 
| back in a video ad that Desktop Linux users accounted for upwards of 
| 30,000,000 different people. That's 30 million. Recent statements made by 
| some Novell representatives indicate that they expect there are upwards of 
| 50,000,000 Desktop Linux users. Microsoft has never contested the number of 
| Desktop Linux users, and if anything the deal Microsoft signed with Novell 
| was tacit agreement that Microsoft believed those numbers to be accurate.   


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