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Re: what we are about

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ William Poaster on Sunday 07 October 2007 00:23 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ____/ Gene Jones on Saturday 06 October 2007 20:47 : \____
>>>> Dean Plude <xenophed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> In my many years using linux I have come to know that to truly support
>>>>> and promote linux as I did with brunswick and many others is simply
>>>>> show large companies that there are choices in an OS and that they do
>>>>> not have to pay a fortune to get.I will never forget when I gave the
>>>>> head manufacturing engineer a Debian BO disk and simplly said check it
>>>>> out . that was all it took.
>>>>> Remember  World Domination is our ultimate goal.
>>>> Linux will never achieve anything close to world domination unless the
>>>> users unite and follow Apple's OSX direction. Now Linux has pretty much
>>>> become a footnote in history compared to what apple is doing with UNIX.
>>>> So unless that changes, it's a slow fade to black for the Linux
>>>> community.
>>>> You guys have a chance, but you must "unite" - it's that simple.
>>>> OSX is now about 9 times as large in the world, 6 years ago you guys
>>>> were neck and neck. What happened? No leadership is the answer.
>>>> Within the next few weeks, OSX is going to be a CERTIFIED UNIX.
>>>> Why isn't Linux up to this certification level?
>>>> http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/unix/
>>> Apple's OS X is proprietary. It achieve S*. It's a case of replacing one
>                                           ^s
>>> locked-down Windows with another (better) one. Sorry. Same problems to
>>> ensue.
>> It's about 80% *BSD with about 20% of Apple's stuff 'bolted on'. That
>> website also claims: "hard at work to ensure that your computing
>> experience remains free of system crashes".
>> I hope the people at Future Publishing read that, as they use Macs in
>> *all* their magazine publishing, & they DO crash. (At least once a day
>> according to Paul Hudson). According to some people, that is a direct
>> result of Apple's tinkering with *BSD.
>> I've been using FreeBSD for some time on test, & not had it crash once.
>> Out of curiosity I've just started using PC-BSD on one machine, & it uses
>> FreeBSD ports. So far it's running fine.
> The proprietary Mac applications make up a lot more of that foundation,
> and in terms of lock-in, some are worse than Microsoft's. Don't believe
> that Apple is a friend of open source. 

I never have.

> It /consumes/ open source and it put that sort of face on to attract more
> buyers and developers. Apple has proprietary roots and it's still a
> proprietary software company. 

Quite so.
> If you're anti-Microsoft, choose a Mac.
> It you're pro-Freedom, choose BSD/Linux.
> Linux is not about being "not Microsoft". Linux is about controlling your
> own machine, which you paid good money for. Microsoft hates Linux.
> Therefore, for Linux users, it is hard to be apathetic towards Microsoft.

Reading some of the posts in another group regarding problems with Vista,
it's amusing IMO that some of these people think they *bought* the OS *not*
renting it under licence from M$. The EULA actually give M$ the right to do
what *they* want, including removing any software which M$ disapproves of
*without* the "customer" (ie: poor sap) knowing about it.

One of the great things about GNU/Linux & *BSD is that the OS is *yours* to
do with what you want to do.
Operating systems:
FreeBSD 6.2,  PC-BSD 1.4
Testing: Debian 4.0, PCLinuxOS 2007, 
(K)Ubuntu 7.04, Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy" beta

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