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Re: [News] Another Microsoft Parnter (Novell) Possibly Disintegrates

7 wrote:
> Micoshaft's Asstroturfer DFS wrote on behalf of Micoshaft Corporation:
>> 7 wrote:
>>> Bugie has left Micoshaft corporation because all the staff hated
>>> Micoshaft. All the staff were given the option to stay with
>>> Micoshaft and refused.
>> Let's see your proof of either of these claims.
>> Besides which, you're a moron.  Bungie always maintained separate
>> workplaces
>> from MS.  And they claimed they loved working with Microsoft.
>> http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12834
>> Like so many game developers, they would be virtually unknown
>> without MS and Windows.
> You claim bungie loved micoshaft?

Not only did I claim it, but they claimed it, right there in that webpage I 
cited - which you're too dishonest to read because it contradicts all your 
blithering idiocy.

> Is that why they packed up and left micoshaft?

They didn't leave anything, you dense little wacko.

It's hard to tell the exact reason they changed their work and publishing 
arrangement with MS, but one thing's for sure: they like Microsoft.

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