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Re: InfoWorld Report on Moving to Linux, Forbes on Cutting the Bill with GNU/Linux

____/ Rex Ballard on Wednesday 31 October 2007 12:29 : \____

> On Oct 31, 4:45 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> The great desktop switch: From Windows to Linux
>> Related:
>> FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office For Google And Linux
>> Combo
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Bowen said he's in talks with the aviation safety agency's main
>> | hardware supplier, Dell Computer, to determine if it could
>> | deliver Linux-based computers capable of accessing Google
>> | Apps through a non-Microsoft browser once the FAA's XP-based
>> | computers pass their shelf life.
>> `----
> <Quote>
> | Like the Department of Transportation, the FAA -- technically under
> DOT but managed separately -- has its own moratorium in place on
> upgrades to Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7, and Microsoft Office
> 2007. Among other things, Bowen said the FAA's copies of IBM (NYSE:
> IBM)'s Lotus Notes software don't work properly on test PCs running
> Windows Vista.
> </Quote>
> Microsoft is at it again.  Another attempt to sabotage competitors by
> releasing a new OS designed to "Break" a competitor's product.
> Actually this is only one of MANY competitor products Vista has
> broken.

You've probably seen this already (one set of examples among several others):

ECIS Accuses Microsoft of Plotting HTML Hijack

,----[ Quote ]
| An industry coalition that has represented competitors of Microsoft
| in European markets before the European Commission stepped up its
| public relations offensive this morning, this time accusing
| Microsoft of scheming to upset HTML's place in the fabric of
| the Internet with XAML, an XML-based layout lexicon forn
| etwork applications.


Software rivals say Microsoft's Vista illegal in Europe (at CNNMoney.com)

,----[ Excerpt ]
| Software manufacturers, citing 2004 European Commission finding,
| contend the operating system violates server laws in Europe.
| [...]
| "Vista is the first step of Microsoft's strategy to extend its market 
| dominance to the Internet," the ECIS statement said.
| It said Microsoft's XAML markup language was "positioned to replace HTML," 
| the industry standard for publishing documents on the Internet.
| Microsoft's own language would be dependent on Windows, and discriminatory 
| against rival systems such as Linux, the group says.
| They said a so-called "open XML" platform file format, known as OOXML, is 
| designed to run seamlessly only on the Microsoft Office platform.


> One could argue that it wasn't Sabotage, it was Negligence - failure
> to test properly with third party software used by clients.  In other
> court cases, exhibits were discovered that included e-mails and memos
> between top executives discussing the deliberate sabotage of
> competitor products.  I suppose that Microsoft will be much more
> careful to clean up those e-mails.

Too late:


It still goes on, apparently:


> If I want to use the newest version of Notes, I have no problem
> getting that to run on Linux or XP, if Vista wants to be a pain, the
> FAA and DOT won't be the only organizations issuing moratoriums
> against upgrades.
> Many companies have issued warnings that Vista won't be supported,
> others have issued moratoriums, others have even declared that it is
> against company policy, and others have decided that Vista is an
> Exception - meaning that you have to go through a long and involved
> review process to prove that you must have Vista and that no other
> alternative is capable of doing what is required.  Going to the board
> and telling them you want to be able to play Halo III probably won't
> get you the approval you want.
>> http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=19780...

Recent example:

Georgia Tech - Software for Staff

,----[ Quote ]
| OIT and the Georgia Tech IT Community do not recommend the Microsoft Vista 
| operating system for most users at this time. We advise that you work with 
| your departmental technical support resources when considering a move to the 
| Vista operating system.   



Entire city of Vista users can't access the internet

,----[ Quote ]
| Lundis Energi blamed Microsoft because Vista has got a bug and it isn't going 
| to change the configuration of the server just to cope with the flaw. 


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "My signature is never intended to be offensive"
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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