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[News] Free Software Brings Freedom to Content (Culture)

  • Subject: [News] Free Software Brings Freedom to Content (Culture)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:16:37 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Live license-friendly with liblicense

,----[ Quote
| Creative Commons (CC) cares about licensing. It has drafted and shared its 
| own suite of licenses for artistic works catering to a wide range of needs, 
| advocated license awareness, and contributed to projects that make both 
| finding and publishing CC-licensed works simpler. Now it is seeking to make 
| licensing enlightenment an everyday part of desktop computer usage with 
| liblicense.     
| Liblicense is cross-platform, portable C library that allows developers to 
| make applications "license-aware" with respect to data files.  


An Introduction to Free Software.

,----[ Quote
| What is free software?
| Free software is software that respects its user’s freedom. With free 
| software the user is free to use the program as they wish. They are free to 
| study how the program works, and to distribute copies of the software. They 
| are free to improve the software and to re-distribute copies of the improved 
| version, to support their community.     



Radiohead album bets on fast release, open pricing

,----[ Quote ]
| The release of popular rock group Radiohead's new album next week is the 
| latest wake-up call for a music industry still struggling to deal with the 
| advent of digital music, experts say.  


Why popstars are going it alone

,----[ Quote ]
| Music industry lobby groups have long been among the most vocal advocates of 
| copyright reform, urging governments worldwide to prioritise intellectual 
| property protection.  
| [...]
| Last week, Radiohead released its latest CD without copy-controls on its 
| website under a pay-as-you like system (Canada's Issa - formerly known as 
| Jane Siberry - has successfully employed a similar approach for many years).  
| The Radiohead announcement has unleashed a stunning series of follow-up 
| moves - reports indicate that Nine Inch Nails, Oasis, Jamiroquai, the 
| Charlatans, and Madonna have either left or are ready to leave their record 
| labels in search of greater commercial success through live performances, 
| merchandise sales, and other online innovation that may include free 
| distribution of their music.      


Defendant: RIAA abusing courts to shore up "failing business model"

,----[ Quote ]
| After the lawsuit was filed, Njuguna said she boxed up the PC reportedly used 
| for infringement and purchased a new one. She then filed a series of 
| counterclaims to the RIAA's lawsuit in an attempt to have the lawsuit 
| dismissed and her name cleared. One of those accuses the record labels of 
| failing to negotiate in good faith.    
| [...]
| Njugana also accuses the RIAA of engaging in deceptive and unfair trade 
| practices, arguing that the record labels have demonstrated repeated behavior 
| that has an "adverse effect on the public interest." She also cites former 
| RIAA defendant Tanya Andersen's lawsuit (which seeks class-action status) as 
| evidence that, unless the courts step in at some point, the RIAA will 
| continue its campaign.     


The RIAA will come to regret its court win

,----[ Quote ]
| And, he told his blog readers: "If [the industry tries to] keep up the 
| strategy of 'you need us badly and therefore we make the rules' you will lose 
| the artists, their managers... and the audience. Another 12 months for this 
| Radiohead experiment to become the default approach. Get engaged or get 
| outmoded. And do it soon."    


Mom Sues Universal Music for DMCA Abuse

,----[ Quote ]
| The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit today against Universal 
| Music Publishing Group (UMPG), asking a federal court to protect the fair use 
| and free speech rights of a mother who posted a short video of her toddler 
| son dancing to a Prince song on the Internet.   


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