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[News] Patent Fight Comes to Canada, WIPO Scum Visits to Fight Free Software?

  • Subject: [News] Patent Fight Comes to Canada, WIPO Scum Visits to Fight Free Software?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:50:45 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Copyright activists want Canada to avoid WIPO treaty

,----[ Quote ]
| The Canadian government’s affirmation for copyright reform in this month’s 
| throne speech could have implications on technological innovation as well as 
| the open source community, according to industry activists.  


WIPO wants to destroy Asia and Europe in the same way.

More on patent abuses:

US tech industry backs Buffalo in Wi-Fi patent spat

,----[ Quote ]
| America's computing industry are lining up behind Buffalo Technology to 
| support its appeal against a US import ban of its 802.11a and 802.11g kit. 


Is Fighting Your Patent Case in Public Really a Good Idea?

,----[ Quote ]
| The millions of blogs littering the Internet prove that everyone has an 
| opinion. But you won't often find the general counsel of a major tech company 
| shooting his mouth off about ongoing patent litigation.  



Half A Loaf

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, open source will have access to the interoperability information 
| on "reasonable" terms (ask independent open source developers how many can 
| afford to cough up the $15,000 such access will cost), but nothing in this 
| statement indicates the Commission has overcome Microsoft's "refusa[al] to  
| make the [patent] licence compatible with the open source business model." In 
| fact, we can expect that nothing about that patent license will be compatible 
| with the most widely used open source license, the GNU General Public 
| License.      


EU tells open source to start paying MS patent tax

,----[ Quote ]
| EU Commissioner Kroes' deal with Microsoft creates real dangers to Europe's 
| growing open source economy, warns the FFII. Using patent licenses that 
| exclude businesses, the software monopolist has turned the EU competition 
| ruling into a victory, and now gets implicit support from the Commission to 
| proceed aggressively against its competitors.    


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