Anti-Linux Asstroturfer flatfish+++ wrote Big Corporations:
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 23:06:01 +0000, 7 wrote:
>> Anti-Linux Asstroturfer flatfish+++ wrote on behalf of Big Corporations:
>>> H
>> Hello Flatcake,
>> I think maybe it's time that you and I vent our various
>> differences in public and attempt to resolve them. What follows is my
>> side of the saga.
>> 1. You and your gang (ie:Mark etc) often assume, correctly, that I,
>> flatcake am responsible for the various attacks that seem to be directed
>> toward COLA.
>> Totally true.
>> I attacked you and COLA?
>> Of course.
>> At the level you claim?
>> Of course NOT by self - they were all my socks; some of them were my
>> femine socks as I like getting in touch with my femmine side.
>> 2. You know I am Gary Stewart/Stewert the cross dresser. Do you have to
>> have any proof of this? Why? Its obvious I am flatcake.
> This is a perfect example as to why sniffing glue causes brain damage.
I assume from your post that no one has deduced yet that you are addicted
to spliffing? and that you are doing all this to feed your spliffing
You need to get a life away from all this.