On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 23:06:01 +0000, 7 wrote:
> Anti-Linux Asstroturfer flatfish+++ wrote on behalf of Big Corporations:
>> H
> Hello Flatcake,
> I think maybe it's time that you and I vent our various
> differences in public and attempt to resolve them. What follows is my
> side of the saga.
> 1. You and your gang (ie:Mark etc) often assume, correctly, that I,
> flatcake am responsible for the various attacks that seem to be directed
> toward COLA.
> Totally true.
> I attacked you and COLA?
> Of course.
> At the level you claim?
> Of course NOT by self - they were all my socks; some of them were my
> femine socks as I like getting in touch with my femmine side.
> 2. You know I am Gary Stewart/Stewert the cross dresser. Do you have to
> have any proof of this? Why? Its obvious I am flatcake.
This is a perfect example as to why sniffing glue causes brain damage.
"Why do they call it a flatfish?"
"Is this the year of Linux?"
"Linux is free only when your time has no value"