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Re: Bill Gates: Formerly a Threat to Business, Now to Humanity

On Oct 30, 10:16 am, Nick Ballard <nrball...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry Nick, gotta disagree with you on this one.

> http://youtube.com/watch?v=o1bMZ2pt7M0

Watching an extreme right-winger slamming the Gates foundation because
they support birth control and family planning is amusing.

On the other hand, one of the biggest problems in areas of extreme
poverty is that little boys grow up with no male supervision and when
they reach puberty, start raping 12-14 year old girls. This is
compounded with fighting, and even killing each other, leaving their
"wives" and rape victims completely defenseless and helpless.

Remember, in many of these refugee camps, there might be 50,000 women
or more, and thousands of teen-age men, and only a few hundred adult
men.  The LAST thing they need in those camps is a few hundred 14-17
year-old boys on a rampage of fun, romance, and/or rape.  Often, the
teenage boys are rounded up and drafted into the military, making the
situation even worse, since many of them do try to help their mothers
and sisters survive.

The commentator must think that these family planning organizations
are providing morning-after pills to "yuppie princesses" who just
don't want to be "bothered" with having to "babysit" their own
children because it will make going to the mall too hard.

The one thing that is harder than deciding to have an abortion, is
watching your baby die, slowly, of starvation, dehydration, or acute
diarhea.  When I was 11 years old, I stepped on some class in a
stagnant pond.  Within 16 hours, I was in an emergency room, the best
medical help available in the City of Denver, all trying frantically
to stop me from dying.  Eventually, I cored and they had to start
covering my body with diapers dipped in ice-water to "bring me back".

> http://www.lifenews.com/nat2369.html
> "Warren Buffett Donation to Bill Gates' Foundation Means Millions for
> Abortion"

My grandfather was about as right-wing fundamentalist Christian as you
could get, but when my sister got pregnant and 14 because her
boyfriend told her she didn't need a condom except during her period,
and she didn't know any better - he wrote the check to pay for the
abortion.  Diane still cries on the anniversery of what would have
been her son's birthday, but she also knew that she wasn't capable of
taking care of that child.

I notice there aren't huge long waiting lists of couples waiting to
adopt the children starving to death in Darfur.  I notices that there
aren't even lots of rich white couples paying $250,000 per kid to buy
kids from mothers who are members of the Crips or the Bloods.

In New York papers, I see several stories every year of kids being
placed in foster homes where they are starved, abused, or sexually
molested.  For many years, as you were growing up, it seemed like
every week some woman had left a baby in a dumpster.

When you were 6 months old, you got vaccinated against diseases that
kill a 2 million kids per YEAR  kids in Africa, South America, and
India.  At $2 per shot, it would only cost $54 million per year to
vaccinate every kid born in the world.

But if the kid drinks water from a stagnant pond, or drinks from a
well contaminated by e-coli from the latrine, or even just plays too
close to the latrine - he dies.

If the kid doesn't have a mesquito net - only $10 each - he dies.

If he doesn't get fresh food, he dies.

If he doesn't get vitamin A he goes blind.
If he doesn't get vitamin C he dies of scurvey
If he doesn't get iodine he dies of goiter.
If he doesn't get salt, he dies of dehydration.
If he doesn't get protein his belly swells up and he dies.

If he reaches puberty, and doesn't receive education, he can't work.
If he is still in the refugee camp by the time he is 12 he will have
to fight to survive.
If he wins, he will rape young girls his age or even younger.
If he loses, he dies.

We love to "pass Judgement" on others while living in our 2 bedroom
house with indoor plumbing, electricity, and piped-in heat.

The people the Gates foundation often live with 5-7 people in a tent
the size of a bathroom stall, they use a common litrine that is open
and exposed.  They get water from a river that may be down-river from
another camp just like theirs.  They have to scramble to get enough
grass, roots, or wood to cook a simple gruel made by soaking rice or
grain for a whole day, and then maybe warming it enough to kill the
worst of the bacteria.

Yes, Bill is now running the biggest charity foundation in the world,
and it's all tax free.  Yes, the Gates Foundation supports a number of
questionable charities that happen to be favorites of top Republican
(and Democrat?) Leaders.  It's possible that some of those charities
are really just political "pulpits" that avoid being classified as a
political action committee by having a noble goal as a non-profit

> http://www.latimes.com/news/la-na-gat...,1,6935188.story?ctrack=1&cse...
> Dark cloud over good works of Gates Foundation

The link was gone.  Sorry.

> http://www.gatesfoundation.org/Global...
> The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck & Co., Inc. and the Republic of
> Botswana Launch New HIV Initiative

If Bill Gates was able to use his giving power to cultivate 20 million
new windows users who became responsible productive members of
society, able to earn a good living by producing goods and services
that help other - MORE POWER TO HIM!!!

> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20909432/
> AIDS vaccine test halted after shots fail

One of the problems with any trial of a vaccine against a deadly
disease is that you have to find volunteers willing to put their lives
on the line.  These people know that there is a very good chance that
they will die, and their sacrifice will have been in vain.  They also
know that if the survive, their contribution could save the lives of
millions of others.

It's unfortunate that the trials were unsuccessful, but we can hope
that perhaps one of the other trials coming up will be successful and
will give us the ability to wipe out AIDS completely.

> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com

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