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Re: [News] Good Review of Debian Etch and Rave About Kubuntu Linux

____/ BearItAll on Tuesday 30 October 2007 13:40 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Review of Linux Distributions - Part 2
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | For the distributions that don't have Adept, I immediately download it.
>> | The major differentiator for me is the ease of install. It doesn't get
>> | much easier then Kubuntu's six step install wizard!
>> `----
>> This guy is a very new Linux user that dumped Windows and found happiness.
> Ok, hands up, I was going to give you a virtual bop on the nose. Because of
> the many 'I just this *second* installed Linux and it's fantastic' reviews
> that we get. If they wrote the review the next day or better still the next
> week, then new users will get a much better review. Forwarned of niggles,
> better list of plusses, hopefully even a few that don't just praise the
> picture on the desktop buttons.
> This reviewer though is already a Linux man and the purpose of his exercise
> is just to try out the installs of many different Linux's.
> I can't help wondering if he doesn't spend too much time indoors, but if
> thats his thing then fair play to him.
> If he makes any money from this writing lark though, I would like to
> recommend that he gets himself a server and VMWare, saves all that messing
> round uninstalling/installing. Just keep them all. Then he could write more
> articles a week after install when each has been tested properly  and
> oh    damit damit damit   I just gave work to a blogger, why don't I just
> keep my mouth shut.
> .

It's distro hoppers that make the best reviews because some of them have used
literally hundreds of distros/version. Long-term use is probably secondary. I
know some people like this and they can immediately see changes between one
distro and another. It's like wine tasting.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Florida is bigger than England
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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