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[News] [Rival] List of Countries That Were Probably Corrupted by Microsoft at the 90th Minute

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] List of Countries That Were Probably Corrupted by Microsoft at the 90th Minute
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 08:59:53 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Name'n and Shame'n Where the Credit is Due: Setting the Record Straight on
(Non)Voting in SC 34

,----[ Quote ]
| Here’s how the eleven countries that upgraded from O to P membership in the 
| months (and often just days) before the OOXML voting period closed on OOXML, 
| and also whether or not they voted in the more recent ballot (all data is 
| from Rick's analysis of the voting record):   
| -- Upgrades that voted to adopt OOXML and didn't vote later: 7 - (Côte 
|    d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Lebanon, Malta, Pakistan, Turkey, Venezuela) 
| -- Upgrades that abstained on OOXML and didn't vote later: 1 - (Trinidad and 
|    Tobago) 
| -- Upgrades that voted against OOXML and didn't vote later: 0 


"Corruption" is a long word. "OOXML" is shorter and means the same thing.


Evidence of Microsoft Influencing OOXML Votes in Nordic States

,----[ Quote ]
| "This is how a standard is bought," Bosson wrote later. "I left the meeting 
| in protest - pissed off." 


,----[ Quote ]
| Pieter Hintjens, president of the Foundation for a Free Information 
| Infrastructure, a non-profit organisation that is campaigning against the 
| Microsoft proposal, said: "We've recorded fairly systematic manipulation of 
| the voting process. We've seen what amounts to vote-buying in Italy, 
| Portugal, Colombia, Spain. In Sweden and Denmark, much the same happened – 
| Microsoft paying their business partners to join the vote."     


Corrupt countries were more likely to support the OOXML document format

,----[ Quote ]
| Is this just a random coincidence? The median of the CPI index of the above 
| mentioned 70 countries is 3.95. Of the most corrupted half (CPI index less 
| than 3.95) 23 or 77% voted for approval (approval or approval with comments) 
| and 7 or 23% for disapproval; 5 abstained. Of the least corrupted half (CPI 
| index more than 3.95) 13 or 54% voted for approval and 11 or 46% voted for 
| disapproval; 11 abstained - see the table below.      


Microsoft accused of more OOXML standards fiddling 

,----[ Quote ]
| However the 11 new countries are refusing to say how they will vote. These 
| include Cote d'Ivoire, Cyprus, Ecuador, Jamaica, Lebanon, Malta, Pakistan, 
| Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uruguay and Venezuela. Most people seem to think 
| that these have been put there by Vole to make sure the standard gets pushed 
| through.    


Microsoft Loses, Spins Open XML Vote

,----[ Quote ]
| ISO issued a statement that makes plain what Microsoft tried to spin as a 
| victory.  


Microsoft FUD Watch: OOXML Edition

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently, there is more than one way to stuff the ballot box.
| In all my years working as a journalist, I've never seen any technology 
| company spin information the way Microsoft did today. The press release on 
| OOXML ratification is a blueprint for spinning semantics, and the stringing 
| together of truths and half-truths to seemingly make the outcome of one event 
| something else altogether.     


Microsoft spins OOXML loss as a win

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft lost its effort to win “fast track” approval of its OOXML (which it 
| calls Open XML)  as an international standard, but you wouldn’t know that 
| from reading much of the press coverage.  
|     * Microsoft claims global support for Open XML.
|     * Microsoft reports victory in preliminary ISO ballot.
|     * Microsoft takes big step toward OOXML approval.
|     * Microsoft is seen winning an international standard vote.   
|     * Strong global support for Open XML.


Why Microsoft deserved to lose the OOXML standards vote

,----[ Quote ]
| 1. Lobbying is legal. But certain lobbying tactics are not. Microsoft 
| officials admitted that one of the company’s employees behaved 
| inappropriately in Sweden,  


Lord, what fools these mortals be!

,----[ Quote ]
| No kidding. Microsoft continues to steam-roll the competition, as illustrated 
| by its latest attempt to ram acceptance of OOXML through ISO by the blatantly 
| rigging the vote. And of course the European's really love Microsoft's 
| business practices. Not. No, Microsoft has the DoJ in their hip pocket thanks 
| to the "pro-business" stance of the Bush administration, and as long as 
| Bushites remain in power and the Democrats remain inept and impotent, it's 
| going to stay that way. Which leaves those of use who really believe in a 
| free and fair market to fend for ourselves.       


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