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Re: Journalists Are Deliberately Trolling Linux Users

Clogwog wrote:

> "raylopez99" <raylopez99@xxxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht
> news:1193509808.759008.309810@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> On Oct 27, 7:48 am, Peter Köhl
>> Just out of curiosity does this actually mean something or have some
>> of the few remaining bits of your brain just evaporated?
> Peter--please tell us what you DON'T like about Linux.  Surely a man
> as intelligent as you cannot be unequivocal about Linux?  You have to
> not like something.  Tell us what that is.
> RL
> He can't, he is a totally mad about linux, which makes him a stupid
> lintard! <quote>
> "Linux is perfect at everything"; Peter Köhlmann: "It is"

Reading that entire thread (at
provides a good laugh.  Seems some troll which at the time called
itself "Osama Bin Laden" was complaining that Debian didn't provide
dependency checking for "make install" as would, say, BSD :-)  Along the
way, Peter makes the above reply re Linux; later on he says BSD is also
perfect.  The coda is priceless:

>>>>> Then why would BSD be necessary for such a
>>>>> function?

>>>>>Because it is also perfect

>>>> Yet Linux does not have a feature which BSD has,
>>>> therefore it is not perfect.

>>>BSD does not have certain features linux has.
>>>So they are equally perfect

>> If they're lacking features, they're not perfect,
>> are they?

>Why not?
>For example you are lacking intelligence, you have none whatsoever.
>You are a perfect idiot. 

I would now like to propose a small wager, given the obscurity and the age
of the quoted thread:  Clogwog and "Osama" are the same troll.

Any takers?

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