"shanejoel" <sje@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
On Oct 22, 3:39 pm, "Dan D. Lyons" <DanLy...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yup - everybody is running away from closed propreitary hardware and
> software. As witnessed by what Apple did in the past 3 months.
> Funny how Apple sold more iPods and iPhones in the past 3 months than all
> of
> these crappy OSS gadgets combined have ever sold. People want name brand
> quality. It's only the COLA bozo's only care about cheap or free.
> http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/071022/aqm220.html?.v=5
> - "Apple shipped 2,164,000 Macintosh® computers, representing 34 percent
> growth over the year-ago quarter and exceeding the previous quarterly
> record
> for Mac® shipments by 400,000. The Company sold 10,200,000 iPods during
> the
> quarter, representing 17 percent growth over the year-ago quarter.
> Quarterly
> iPhone(TM) sales were 1,119,000, bringing cumulative fiscal 2007 sales to
> 1,389,000."
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com
> I dont care about cheap or free, i care about quality, security, and
> stability. Why so angry?
I have no idea why so many of the "advocates" here are so angry. They claim
that it's all about freedom of choice but they get all upset if someone
selects anything other than some unknown OSS product or OS.
Consumers seem to be very happy (not angry) with products from Apple,
Microsoft and Tivo. It;s the "advocates" here who are as angry as a pack of
rabid dogs.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com