heather.banger@xxxxxxxxx using Google-Groups and proxy service from Madrid, Spain wrote:
linux.freak.detector@xxxxxxxxx using Google-Groups and proxy
service from Sao Paulo, Brasil wrote:
linux.freak.detector@xxxxxxxxx using Google-Groups and proxy
service from Zhuhai, Guangdong, China wrote:
Anyone else receiving attacks from these 2 sites? I visted
both recently and shortly afterwards I started getting
attacks from both. I suspect it has to do with my using a
Windows browser because I also visted the sites on another
network using a Linux browser and got no such DDoS
attacks. I have filed formal complaints against both host
What do you expect from a site run by Linux dorks? Take a
look at comp.os.linux.advocacy for details.
There is one guy over there that is so much of a zealot that
he has had himself castrated for Linux! Is this weird
shit!! FWIW I would not go near any website run by one of
these left wing wacks because who knows what will happen if
you do. My advice is to report it your your ISP and the
offending ISP as well. FWIW boygcottnovell.com seems to com
from godaddy. They are a good company and more than likely
will take action if your complaint is valid.
Don't waste your time. Both sites are run by Roy Schestowitz
who is a full time, eternal, professional, student at
"University of Manchester" and who SPAMS all kinds of groups
endlessly. He is a mental case, a nutter,a kook and a real
oddball. He is the person who, according to Google, castrated
himself and married Mark Kent, another Linux fool. Stay far
from these unstable people. They have been known to try and
TOS people for no reason.
Personally, I would not go near anything Roy Schestowitz is
associated with. Just look at his GOOGLE posting profile, his
digg profile and his Netscape profile for proof. The guy is
simply unstable. Judge for yourself.
It is interesting that these nyms as sock puppets reply to each
other. The vulgarity of this post is a very common trolling
technique described in:
Subject: 4.5 Personal attacks on individuals and groups.
Selected individuals are subjected to quite vicious
personal attacks throughout usenet. Examples are: "XXXXs
animals!" "is a cannibal" "is a hermaphrodite!" "is a
molester of boys" "in panties gets XXXXed up the arse" "is
a Nazi!" "is a cocksucking queer" "is a hermaphrodite just
like Maryanne Kehoe" "molests boys on American Airlines"
"Sexually harassed by" "is an anthrax pervert" "AT GAY
PARTY" "sucks his father's cock" "is a pervert" "hated
wherever he goes!" "White Racist" "Usenet spammer!" "Usenet
k00k!" "I hope you die SOON".
As will be seen several of these are libelous, and
thus illegal
Groups such as the regular posters are attacked similarly,
It is also described in:
7.6 Trespasser Disinformation Tactics
Put your opponent off guard by insulting him. The liberal use of
profanity and vulgarisms can be very effective, particularly when
used against you more dignified opponents. Your experience as a
school yard bully can be handy here.
The purpose of posting in this manner is to:
Drive as many good Linux Advocates out of the group as possible.