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Re: DDoS attacks from www.boycottnovell.com and schestowitz.com

Don't waste your time.
Both sites are run by Roy Schestowitz who is a full time, eternal,
professional, student at "University of Manchester" and who SPAMS all
kinds of groups endlessly.
He is a mental case, a nutter,a kook and a real oddball.
He is the person who, according to Google, castrated himself and
married Mark Kent, another Linux fool.
Stay far from these unstable people.
They have been known to try and TOS people for no reason.

Personally, I would not go near anything Roy Schestowitz is associated
Just look at his GOOGLE posting profile, his digg profile and his
Netscape profile for proof.
The guy is simply unstable.
Judge for yourself.

On Oct 20, 10:37 pm, linux.freak.detec...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On Oct 20, 7:45 pm, linux.freak.detec...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Anyone else receiving attacks from these 2 sites?
> > I visted both recently and shortly afterwards I started getting
> > attacks from both.
> > I suspect it has to do with my using a Windows browser because I also
> > visted the sites on another network using  a Linux browser and got no
> > such DDoS attacks.
> > I have filed formal complaints against both host sites.
> What do you expect from a site run by Linux dorks?
> Take a look at comp.os.linux.advocacy for details.
> There is one guy over there that is so much of a zealot that he has
> had himself castrated for Linux!
> Is this weird shit!!
> FWIW I would not go near any website run by one of these left wing
> wacks because who knows what will happen if you do.
> My advice is to report it your your ISP and the offending ISP as well.
> FWIW boygcottnovell.com seems to com from godaddy.
> They are a good company and more than likely will take action if your
> complaint is valid.

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