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Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Becomes "Monopoly-bypassing" Desktop

____/ chrisv on Thursday 06 September 2007 14:51 : \____

> Mark Kent wrote:
>>> PLAYSTATION3 System to Power Office 2.0 Conference
>>Hate to say it, but I pointed this out *long* ago.  This is potentially
>>a very serious use indeed.  The playstation is very powerful, uses
>>relatively little electric power compared with many desktops, can
>>connect with monitors and hi-def televisions, runs more or less
>>silently, exudes little heat, is not particularly expensive (compared
>>with desktops), plays DVDs and CDs, and looks quite nice, too.
>>This is a /serious/ contender for the desktop, or for uses such as
>>call-centres or similar, where many machines are in the same location,
>>but need to be powered, cooled and so on.
> Can it be made to dual-boot Linux and Sony's OS?  That would be
> cool...

Yes, that's how it works. You just go to the Sony firmware's menu to create new
partitions and the installation is very intuitive. It's just a matter of
clicking some buttons. Once a few kids will have Linux installed, their
friends will see it and want it as well ("it" as in "PS3 Linux" or just PS3,
in case they haven't got one already).

Mark forget to mention that PS3 also plays Blu-ray, which seems to be the
winning next-def format despite the alleged Microsoft briberies

                ~~ Best of wishes

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