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Re: The Truth About the Google Phone Finally Revealed

____/ John Bailo, Texeme.Construct on Wednesday 05 September 2007 22:10 : \____

> On Sep 4, 6:43 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Five Facts About Google Phone
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Initially there was one prototype, but over past few months Google has the
>> | mobile OS running on 3-to-5 devices, most of them likely made by HTC, a
>> | mobile phone maker, and all have Qwerty apps. The model that folks have
>> | seen is very similar to the T-Mobile Dash. Around 3GSM, there were rumors
>> | that Google, Orange and HTC were working together on mobile devices.
>> `----
>> http://gigaom.com/2007/09/03/google-phone-facts/
> "Google Phone is based on a mobile variant of Linux, and is able to
> run Java virtual machines."
> S-W-E-E-T !
> And it's only $100 (supposedly).
> I bet anyone walking around with a $700 iPhone is feeling like a
> schtunk!

And a gym bag with plastic shards. :-)

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Reclaim your workstation - install GNU/Linux today
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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