Groklaw: The Industry's Eyes in Court
,----[ Quote ]
| Did Groklaw really have an impact on those court cases? Naaah. The impact was
| on the rest of us. That collection of documents gave SCO's suits a
| transparency that's impossible to come by with most IT industry litigation.
Victory to Linux... (new video)
Kevin Kettler's LinuxWorld Keynote
,----[ Quote ]
| Based on your voting on IdeaStorm, he discussed Dell's expansion of Ubuntu
| into the UK, Germany, and France and onto new systems in the US.
SCO Tried to Gag Groklaw in 2004
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| So SCO tried to gag Groklaw beginning in 2004. It moved on to
| false insinuations to journalists, ugly innuendo during a conference
| about me and Groklaw, having friendly journalists with PIs try to
| dig up dirt on me, a massive astroturfing campaign all over the
| internet, and then finally to intimidation with their recent motion.
| Well, I'm gagging, all right, but not in a good way, and certainly
| not in the way SCO hoped.
| I will respond like this, seriously for a moment. This is America.
| I am an American citizen. I was born here, born to certain rights
| as my birthright. I'm allowed to cover this litigation without
| being harassed and intimidated or threatened or gagged. I'm
| allowed to present facts that disprove SCO's public allegations.
| I am allowed to write what I believe is the truth, and I'm
| to present research about the allegations.