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Re: [News] Reviwewers Still Sneeze at Windows Home Server, Incompatible with Linux

____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 04 September 2007 12:08 : \____

> [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>> Windows Home Server ? Is It Really Worth It?
>> [...]
>>> How typical. Microsoft ignored everything but Microsoft.
>> This product is far too limited to be useful, regardless of price or
>> compatibility.
>> It's laughable that Microsoft should waste their time "reinventing" the
>> server like this, when the Free Software and Open Standards solution
>> already works an order of magnitude better, at virtually zero cost ...
>> *and* is fully cross-platform compatible.
>> I have a tiny Mini-ITX server next door that already does everything
>> this sorry excuse for a so-called "server" does, and a whole /shedload/
>> more. The hardware cost me <100 squid off eBay, and the OS ... Fedora.
>> Why did they even bother?
> And Ashley Highfield believes that Microsoft will write a linux version
> of the Microsoft iPlayer?
No, now he just escapes the question by saying something like "I believe in
universality, but..."

                ~~ Best of wishes

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