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[News] Who Needs XenSoft When You Have VirtualBox 1.5 (GPL)?

  • Subject: [News] Who Needs XenSoft When You Have VirtualBox 1.5 (GPL)?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:20:13 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
VirtualBox 1.5 puts Windows windows on a Linux desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| or the first time, the new version now displays the guest's windows 
| seamlessly on the host system's desktop instead of showing the guest system's 
| complete desktop in its own window.  


VirtualBox 1.5 released with seamless Windows integration

,----[ Quote ]
| The second screenshot shows that even Windows’ task bar is embedded into the 
| Linux system.  


With screenshots.


VirtualBox Making Waves as Open Source Virtualization Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| The youngest virtualization player to enter the x86 virtualization market 
| is Innotek. And the company has recently announced a new release of its 
| product, VirtualBox version 1.4.0, for Windows and Linux.   


Fedora 7 screenshot gallery

,----[ Quote ]
| 33 screenshots from the installation to the desktop all made with the 
| help of Virtualbox.


VirtualBox 1.4.0 adds cool new features

,----[ Quote ]
| As promised at CeBIT 2007, InnoTek has released version 1.4.0 
| of its VirtualBox virtualization software. Despite the modest 
| increase in the version number, the new release boasts a few 
| new features as well as a host of tweaks and behind-the-scenes 
| improvements.



InnoTek VirtualBox [Mini Review]

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall I am impressed with the performance and features of InnoTek
| Virtual Box. The performance wasn't as impressive as it was with
| Parallel's desktop but it was better than the performance I got with
| VMware Fusion.


VirtualBox installation screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| VirtualBox is an opensource virtualization software, it has a nice
| graphical interface like VMWare, and which is a lack of QEMU, recently 
| (march, 14th) it has released its version this is what their site says
| about VirtualBox.


VirtualBox 1.3.8 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Mar 14, 2007. InnoTek today announced that it has released a maintenance 
| update to VirtualBox, bringing it to version 1.3.8. A large number of 
| corrections and improvements have been made, addressing requests from both 
| commercial customers and community members. The list of supported Linux 
| systems has further increased with the addition of custom installation 
| packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) and Mandriva 2007.1.


How Microsoft bought out its competitor (and nobody noticed):

Heady Days for Virtual Systems

,----[ Quote ]
| The former Microsoft Latest News about Microsoft general manager is
| now vice president of XenSource, a Palo Alto, Calif., virtualization 
| company with a growing outpost in Redmond, Wash.


Shareholders Sue Over Alleged Backdating by Citrix Systems Execs

,----[ Quote ]
| A year after John C. Burris was hired as senior vice president of Citrix 
| Systems, the company's compensation committee granted him options for 42,000 
| shares of company stock valued at $15.69 a share, according to court 
| documents.   


What the XenSource deal says about open source

,----[ Quote ]
| This is what Citrix is paying for. That and a close relationship with 
| Microsoft that looks likely to get closer. “We will be building dynamic 
| virtualization services and management tools on top of Viridian,” Levine 
| added. “We will build the same set of products we’ve built on top of Xen for 
| Viridian. We’ve already hired a team to go do that up in Redmond.”    
| While Citrix maintained it will continue support for the Xen project, this 
| deal is not about a proprietary vendor getting open source religion. It's 
| about grabbing an emerging player in a rapidly expanding sector of the 
| market.   


Increasing Virtualization Insanity

,----[ Quote ]
| For sysadmin types this means: do what you have to do with Xen for now. But 
| keep the investments small. For developers this means: don't let yourself be 
| tied to a platform. Use an abstraction layer such as libvirt to bridge over 
| the differences. For architects this means: don't looking to Xen for answers, 
| base your new designs on KVM.    


Does Citrix Have A Chance Against VMware In Virtualization?

,----[ Quote ]
| “VMware will probably not be able to maintain its extreme domination in the 
| server virtualization market forever,” Kumar writes, “but there is not other 
| realistic competition right now. Microsoft is far behind and everybody else, 
| including XenSource, is a speck on the horizon.”   


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