On Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:53:52 GMT, Linonut wrote:
>> That petition is from 2002. Way to report the [News]. IE has had PNG
>> transparency support since IE7 came out, so it's not relevant anymore.
>> But you knew that, and you're just trying to be dishonest, right Roy?
> Except I don't know too many people using IE7 yet.
> Still, it's good they finally got around to that one.
Well, according to w3schools, IE7 has 20% of the market. And, given that
w3schools tends to attract a geekier crowd, i'd say that number is low
(especially given their stats of Firefox at 35%)
Browser news tries to use multiple sources.
It shows IE7 anywhere from 19 to 33%, and IE6 anywhere from 33-58%.
Interestingly, it shows 2 radically different views for Gecko based
browsers. Two Geeky sites (Engineering Workstations Server at
UI/Urbana-Champagne and Counts from the site itself show Mozilla in the 30%
range, but everywhere else, including completely "geek"-agnostic sites show
it in the low-teens.
In any event, at least 20% of users are using IE7, possibly as much as 33%.