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[News] Microsoft's Shills in Forbes Used to Attack Apple Again (Dan Lyons)

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft's Shills in Forbes Used to Attack Apple Again (Dan Lyons)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 15:48:06 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Media by Microsoft

First paragraph and summary: "Guess who's got the slickest software for
handling TV, movies and music? Not Apple."


Wow. What a professional assessment and an overview. "Not Apple," says Lyons
(AKA Fake Steve Jobs). Forbes has become gutter press with informecials.


"Fake Steve Jobs" is Daniel Lyons, in case anyone wants to sue

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe we should be, since this is the man who wrote about the "evils" of 
| anonymous blogging in  "Attack of the Blogs", where he said that blogs 
| are “the prized platform of an online lynch mob spouting liberty but spewing 
| lies, libel and invective.”   
| Um. Dude. Talk about world class hypocrisy. 



More on Troy Wolverton, the Street, and Apple Scandal

,----[ Quote ]
| MediaNews did buy the Mercury News with a loan from Bill Gates' foundation, 
| and is in the process of paying back that loan by publishing information 
| without much journalistic or technical integrity.  
| Specifically, I wrote “One might think that the San Jose Mercury News, being 
| located in Apple's backyard, would tend to trumpet the company's success. One 
| would be wrong... Apple's corporate proximity to San Jose is trumped by the 
| Mercury News’ need to publish low cost, highly sensational news to make 
| enough money to pay back Bill Gates for the favor of his humanitarian loan.”     


Bill Gates fund reports 12.8 pct PlanetOut stake

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates' investment fund Cascade Investment LLC reported in a regulatory 
| filing on Friday that its holds a 12.8 percent stake in the common stock of 
| online media company PlanetOut Inc.   


Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers

$350 million to MediaNews

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
| those involved in the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors.
| It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
| philanthropy outfit.


Gates sold 100,000 Univision shares-SEC filing

,----[ Quote ]
| The foundation said it sold its remaining stake in Univision,
| which is in the process of being acquired by private investors,
| for an average of $35.34 per share in open market transactions.


What happened to the guts?

,----[ Quote ]
| Of one thing I am fairly certain. Microsoft all but eliminated
| mainstream software competition. As a result, Microsoft became
| the primary source of advertising revenue for mainstream publications.
| You don't bite the hand that feeds you. So instead of publishing
| issues calling for a worldwide boycott of Vista because it focuses
| more on what you can't do than what you can do, you see special
| editions praising Vista as the greatest advancement in computing
| since Windows 95. Granted we all know that Windows 95 was a dog
| from day one, but by the 90s, the mainstream press had already
| become rampant with Microsoft sycophants and they pushed Windows
| 95 like it was the second coming.
| [...]
| In short, I'd love to see a mainstream publication become an
| advocate for the consumer once again.
| As noted above, there are exceptions, including Linux Journal,
| most other FOSS-centered publications and even The Register.
| But we're the little guys.



Beeb slammed for 'fawning' to Bill Gates 

,----[ Quote ]
| BBC viewers have flooded the corporation with complaints over how it
| covered the launch of Microsoft Vista earlier this week.
| In one cringingly servile interview worthy of Uriah Heep, the
| Beeb's news presenter Hugh Edwards even thanked Gates at the
| end of it, presumably in appreciation at being allowed to give
| the Vole vast coverage for free.
| In other TV news items presenters excitedly explained how Vistac
| ould be obtained and installed - details courtesy of the BBC's
| website.
| But British viewers, currently forced to pay a £131.50 licence
| fee to maintain the BBC's "impartiality", were less than impressed.
| Scores got in touch to complain that so much was Auntie up Bill's
| bum that you could barely see her corset.


PC World Editor Resigns When Ordered Not to Criticize Advertisers

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently he also told the staff that product reviews had to be
| nicer to vendors who advertise in the magazine. The sad thing is 
| that given the economics of publishing in this day and age, I
| doubt anything even comes of this even tho it essentially
| confirms that PC World reviews should be thought of as no
| more than press releases. I know that's how I will consider
| links from them in the future. But congratulations to anyone
| willing to stick to their guns on such matters.


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