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Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Vista Has a Bad Name in Lithuania, Packaging Shamed in Cartoon

  • Subject: Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Vista Has a Bad Name in Lithuania, Packaging Shamed in Cartoon
  • From: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 21:52:15 +0100
  • In-reply-to: <1373333.KpZ2RKtmbP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Openpgp: id=BF436EC9; url=http://slated.org/files/GPG-KEY-SLATED.asc
  • Organization: Slated.org
  • References: <1373333.KpZ2RKtmbP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070811 Remi/ Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:556005
Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
> Windows Hen?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Vista is very similar to Lithuanian word višta [v i sh t a], which 
> | means hen..

I told you ... it's all about the rubber chicken - it's the key to
getting Windows working. You just need the right mojo.

> | What is next? Windows Cock?
> `----

Well Windows is aleady a bloated pig, an incessant boar (bore), a lame
duck, a white elephant, and a trojan horse ... so why not a contagious
cock too?

> http://daily.idev.lt/2007/08/29/windows-chicken/
> How about Zune, which can mean "a f*ck"? In Malta

As in "people don't give a..." about it.


| "Proprietary licenses, the crack cocaine of software finance."
|  - Matt Asay, CNET

Fedora release 7 (Moonshine) on sky, running kernel
 21:50:44 up 23 days, 20:45,  2 users,  load average: 0.83, 0.64, 0.38

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