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Re: A Vista 'Forced Upgrade' - XP support goes to the "B-Team".

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Sunday 16 September 2007 10:15 : \____

>> > What a load of crap. Jesus Christ... I was a young man when I started
>> > reading your 300 page diatribe. Here's some free advice for you - cut out
>> > the bullshit and lies and your posts will be 95% shorter. Each post would
>> > actually take less than a few hours to read.
>> Doesn't take a genius to realise that the best brains will be supporting
>> the current "in thing".
> Professor Dung-be!  For once our anonymous nameless nymshifting poster
> has chosen an appropriate name!

It depends. Pigs like these might actually enjoy rolling on some dung along
with the bees. I think it's the same guy who is obsessed with the
term "shitstick". Seems like some sort of feces fetish. 

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Wintendo O/S gets malware on its tail
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