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Re: EU antitrust power in balance on Microsoft decision

____/ High Plains Thumper on Saturday 15 September 2007 13:27 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> NoStop on Monday:
>>> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/
>>> RTGAM.20070910.wgtmsft0910/BNStory/Technology/home
>>> Cheers.
>> To Microsoft, there appears to have been some 'inside job' to
>> help it with the antitrust action. Someone who looked at all
>> the documents carefully mailed me the details. It's all just
>> corruption up at the top.
>> As for the EC, the Novell deal (among others) will help
>> Microsoft find excuses. They are still /buying/ a market state
>> that allows them to escape prosection. This is appalling.
> I think we will know more on Monday.  I don't know which way the
> court will turn.  There is a vested interest in the EU
> succeeding, since now its buying power is on par with the US.
> (Frankly, I think it is higher than that.)
> The EU wants to maintain independence from other first world
> countries outside EU.  To do that requires establishment of its
> own industries.  An outside monopoly providing software outside
> the EU does not provide bread on the table in EU.  Yes, there are
> corollary jobs that are related, but overall the EU needs to
> develop their own industries.  That is where the jobs will be.
> We will know for sure after Monday.

Some research has shown that Europe will be better off (financially) if it
develops its own Free software. The decision in Europe is very important
because it's seen as somewhat of a benchmark to be used in the US, where
states demand Microsoft supervision and oversight until 2012.

Novell, mind you, is on the bad side here. Microsoft is using Novell, again. As
if OOXML and other nasties weren't enough use...

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Run a Linux server, then learn how to knit 
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