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Re: [News] Company Chooses OpenOffice.org

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 14 September 2007 13:11 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Should your firm be FLOSSing?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) had no problem going against the grain
>>| when it decided to forgo the widely used Microsoft Office suite of business
>>| applications. Instead, it chose to replace its aging WordPerfect
>>| installations with OpenOffice.org - for free.
>> `----
> Excellent - it'll keep happening, as people realise that there is
> positively no reason to lock yourself into Microsoft.  I suspect that
> Microsoft's attempts to corrupt the ISO organisation in order to force
> OOXML through as some kind of Microsoft-only standard were just too
> late.  About 5 years too late, in fact.

It's not over, The ISO seems to be corrupted as well, based on some recent
irregularities. It's not over. I still find some fraud at the top, but I
sometimes just post it to BN.com, not COLA. it's disgraceful. What else can
one say?
>> Yesterday:
>> Vietnam Switches to OpenOffice.org
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| More than 20,000 computers from Party offices nationwide will switch to
>>| using OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office from early 2008.
>> `----
> ... bing*  another one.

Yes, they are dropping like flies (the Microsoft licences, that is).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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