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[News] Linux Desktop Described as Viable by More Press

  • Subject: [News] Linux Desktop Described as Viable by More Press
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 00:59:14 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
March of the penguin: Linux emerges as option for Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Larry Call, a 70-year-old computer user from Boulder, switched from Windows 
| to Linux two years ago when he purchased a new Dell laptop computer and 
| couldn't get Windows to work with his wireless network. The computer 
| technician he hired to fix the problem suggested Linux.   
| "I read about it for the first time several years ago," Call said. "I told 
| him to install it." 
| The technician installed the system and Call has had no problems with his 
| computer since. 
| "I just thought it was easier," Call said. "Everything, the whole thing is 
| easier." 


Linux: No Longer the Playground of the TechnoGeek

,----[ Quote ]
| If you have to ask me what the best thing about Ubuntu is, it's simply that 
| it is free. You need not every pay a cent for it unless you choose to buy the 
| CDs from Amazon.com or pay a modest shipping fee to have the discs delivered 
| to you.   



Linux more accessible

,----[ Quote ]
| Once installed, SLED is impressive. It has a clean, eye-catching look
| complete with visual effects, animations and transparencies. You can set
| up multiple desktops and then switch between them with a rotating 3D
| cube - it's fair to say this is a flashy and cool feature rather than
| a serious productivity aid.
| In visual terms SLED is on a level footing with Apple's OS X and
| Microsoft Vista Aero. Unlike many versions or distributions of Linux,
| which overwhelm users with myriad options and vast menus of programs,
| there's an uncluttered feel, making it easy to navigate.
| This well-designed user interface is perhaps Novell's greatest asset
| in wooing users away from Windows. Linux often looks too hard - SLED
| doesn't. In reality it acts in a very familiar Windows kind of way.
| Despite propaganda, no operating system is intuitive - but this one
| is certainly easy to learn and won't stress Windows users.


Desktops on the move

,----[ Quote ]
| A slightly more expensive but less limited way of creating a portable desktop 
| is by going with Mandriva, a version of Linux, installed on a 4GB flash drive 
| made by Dane-Elec called the Zmate Pen. This is a full-featured operating 
| system that fits into 1 GB of space, leaving the remaining 3GB in the thumb 
| drive for extra applications or files.    


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