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[News] PCLinuxOS Wins Out of the Box, Vista Loses and Punishes (Despite Getting Preinstalled)

  • Subject: [News] PCLinuxOS Wins Out of the Box, Vista Loses and Punishes (Despite Getting Preinstalled)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:50:52 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Heavenly Hardware Support

,----[ Quote ]
| Printer, camera, scanner--all detected and configured in less than 2 minutes. 
| PCLinuxOS has knocked my socks off! 


Help! Microsoft is holding me hostage!

,----[ Quote ]
| My week-long fight with Vista resulted in some lasting wounds. Besides the 
| loss of productivity, I’m left with a non-refundable set-up charge from the 
| big-box computer store for getting the first computer running. But my scars 
| have taught me something valuable about the prevailing social attitude toward 
| computers. Microsoft isn’t really the enemy – defeatism is. And we don’t have  
| to succumb.    


Just bad press for Windows Vista these days...


PCLinuxOS - the new Number One distribution

,----[ Quote ]
| PCLinuxOS As many of you noticed, PCLinuxOS has overtaken Ubuntu in our Page 
| Hit Ranking statistics and is currently occupying the top spot on the default 
| 6-month view for the first time.   


PCLinuxOS gaining more popularity than Ubuntu?

,----[ Quote ]
| This may not be as absurd a claim as you may think, especially when you take 
| into consideration the minor backlash that Ubuntu has experienced. So is 
| PCLinuxOS the next poster-child of usable Linux?   


PCLinuxOS: Linux Distribution

,----[ Quote ]
| One notable difference from Mandriva is the program used to install 
| extra software. We found this much easier to use and includes useful 
| software such as graphics drivers.
| Unlike some other distributions, PCLinuxOS can play back 
| proprietary multimedia files (including wma, mp3, mpg, rm, 
| mov) without having to install extra software. DVD playback 
| software is not included but can be installed with the 
| standard installation tool.


Review: PcLinuxOS 2007 

,----[ Quote ]
| While PcLinuxOS does still have a bit of growing to do, out of all the
| linux distributions out there, I'd easily rate this one as the best in 
| every way because of all that it does, how easy it is to use, how ready
| it is to use out of the box, and most especially in the area of 
| appeasing both camps, the new user and the experienced user.


PClinuxOS 2007.0 Review

,----[ Quote ]
| I am a Kubuntu user since version 6.06. However, that hasn't made
| me blindly consider (k)ubuntu to be the best linux distro; I am
| always open to newcomers. In recent days, PClinuxOS 2007.0 was 
| released, and quickly hit the top of of the distrowatch charts.
| I decided to download it and give this relatively new distribution
| a text run on my Acer Aspire 5050 laptop, nicknamed the geebee.


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