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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft at Risk of Losing ENTIRE OEM Tieup/Attachment in Europe!

____/ The Ghost In The Machine on Monday 24 September 2007 23:35 : \____

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, 7
> <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:27:59 GMT
> <zZVJi.19839$c_1.14893@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Unbundling Microsoft Windows
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Computers in the European Union should be sold without a bundled
>>> | operating system, according to this submission to the European
>>> | Commission. It says that the bundling of Microsoft Windows with
>>> | computers is not in the public interest, and prevents meaningful
>>> | competition in the operating system market.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.globalisation.eu/briefings/competition-policy
>> unbundling-microsoft-windows-200709231241/
>> Great stuff - it means more IT jobs for installers, configurators,
>> maintainers, and recommenders.
>> EU should go for it NOW!!!
> The paper doesn't go into that much detail, from what
> I've seen thus far, and the gains for third-party system
> integrators may well be offset by job losses by antivirus
> software developers and "bounty hunters".
> I wish I knew for sure.  I prefer the Linux mindset,
> admittedly; at least with Linux one has a fighting chance
> of keeping the nastier sorts at bay.

The French have been asking for his for a while. The UK will have it discussed
wnext week, with Sirius, Alfresco, and OIN involved. This paper, which does
_not_ come from Free software advocates, it a highly effective weapon against
stubborn diplomats. Hopefully, PCs in the UK will be sold with certification
for OSes (authorised and tested for use with X, Y, and Z at the least) rather
than have things preinstalled (with all sorts of unwanted junkware).

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "How do I set my laser printer on stun?"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  RHAT GNU/Linux   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
         run-level 2  2007-09-10 01:53                   last=
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