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Re: [News] Review of the Latest Ark Linux and Why Linux is Succeeding

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Review: Ark Linux H2O 2007.1
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Overall Ark is a pretty decent OS for the new user.  It's got some 
> rather
> | bothersome show stopping bugs that need to be worked out before I can
> | recommend it to new users, but like any little lump of coal, at some 
> point in
> | time it's going to turn into a little gem.  So there is a lot of hope 
> there
> | for the future.  Depending on how well Ark matures over the coming 
> months and
> | years, especially in how it handles hardware, I can't really see where 
> this
> | particular distribution couldn't easily find its way onto my short list 
> of
> | recommended distributions for the new user.  It's certainly got the
> | potential.
> `----

>From the review:

Next I tested peripheral support to see how well it would handle some of the 
extras items I found listed in the control center.  One of those was a 
digital camera.  While I only had a Kodak C330 easy share to test with, it 
didn't matter.  Ark never saw it.  Nor did it see the joystick I tried 
either, even though both of these were listed as items in the control center 
that Ark supported.

I found USB support to be shaky at best.  I plugged in a pen drive to copy 
over a few files and ended up fighting Ark to get it to handle the drive 
properly.  At one point during my testing it even zeroed out a few test 
files on the drive and in another instance it completely wiped the contents 
of the drive.  Not very reassuring in my opinion.

I did a little surfing around to see if I was the only one having this issue 
and was surprised to find that I'm not.  Several others who tried Ark 
encountered the same issues.

Digging further I found that Ark saw both of my cd and dvd drives.  The 
downside to that is Ark thought they were hard drives and couldn't mount 
them.  As a side effect to that, the system couldn't play any audio cd's or 

To further grind the knife in I found that wireless didn't work right at 
all, and most of the USB devices, including wireless mice (wired mice seemed 
to be the only USB item that *DID* work), had issues on the system.  Some of 
them pretty severe and show stopping.

Also, Ark failed to properly detect several other pieces of hardware on my 
system as well, including my video and network cards, both of which are 
mainstream cards that are well supported.

As for the network card, while I found that it had added the network card, I 
could do nothing on the network.

**** But aside from the hardware issues, on a software level, Ark is a very 
good system.  ****

What a joke. Nothing works but the spinmeister concludes that "Ark is a very 
good system."

It's like the old joke - "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy 
the play?"

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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