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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Lied to Media About Office 2007 Sales, Office 2003 Weaknesses Exposed

In article <42533935.jq29dACVN0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A few minutes ago I commented on an article about XBox360. _Microsoft_ claims
> it has sold 11.6 million XBox360s, but the definitions vary wildly, meaning
> that they probably count those units that are on the shelf. They can stuff all
> at one go, do the quick count, do a press release, bombard journalists via
> Steve Rubel and the rest of the brainwashing slime, then walk into the
> darkness as it takes many months for the shops' warehouses and shelves to be
> emptied.

Microsoft's claimed numbers are consistent when you compare them with 
the numbers claimed from Sony and Nintendo, and compare those to the 
numbers that come from store sales data, and also fit in with about what 
you'd expect based on game sales and number of people on the XBox live 

--Tim Smith

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