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[News] NVidia (Blobvidia) Stock Almost Halved, XBox Problems Seen

More than 50 pct chance of US recession-Greenspan

,----[ Quote ]
| There is more than a 50 percent chance the United States could go into 
| recession, former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan told El Pais 
| newspaper in an interview published on Sunday.  


Nvidia takes hit on rising expenses

,----[ Quote ]
| Nvidia's shares slid more than 13% to $23.42 by early Thursday afternoon. The 
| stock -- which doubled in price last year -- has given up nearly all of those 
| gains since peaking near the $40 mark in late October.  


They could reduce costs by allowing outside developers to code (like AMD) while
relying on increased hardware sales. Free software is flourishing (see links
at the bottom).

More trouble in Microsoft land (and the writer is a fan):

4 Reasons for Microsoft's Xbox to Go as Big as Possible, ASAP

,----[ Quote ]
| The second reason is the demise of HD DVD. This was the high capacity content 
| delivery system for the Xbox 360. Now that it has gone Microsoft say that 
| they are not going to switch to BluRay, instead they are going to concentrate 
| on downloading content. This is only bringing forward the inevitable. The 
| problem with downloaded content is that you have to store it somewhere, and 
| HD movies take up a lot of disk space. As such, huge hard drives are 
| essential to get the machine to do what the customer wants it to do. The 
| whole Microsoft business model for the Xbox 360 now depends on this.       



VC funding for open source hits an all-time high

,----[ Quote ]
| Incidentally, total funding to date stands at $2.64bn.


No Recession at Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| It is flattering to be mentioned, Mr. Whitehurst said, but he noted that 
| corporate customers and the industry benefit from what he called Red 
| Hat’s “Switzerland status” — not being a province of one of the major powers 
| in the technology industry.   


How Open Technology Could Lead Us Out Of Recession

,----[ Quote ]
| At the same time, the United States has not only lost its former dominance in 
| world technology, it is rapidly achieving a status of "a nation of 
| shopkeepers".  
| We need to remove the barriers to entering the market. We need to be the 
| innovators in science and technology again. We need to regain the excitement 
| we had about scientific progress back in the 1940's and 1950's. We need 
| technicians in white lab coats, and we need to look up to them because they 
| are giving us wonderful things like atomic power and trips to the moon again. 
| We need kids to be excited about getting a chemistry set again. We need to 
| let those garage start-ups break out of that garage and open up their own 
| factory. We need to bring back homebrew computer clubs. We need people who 
| can say that they know something about computers besides how to turn one on.        
| In short, we need more geeks. Geeks make money.


PS3 tops Xbox 360 again; Microsoft cites shortages

,----[ Quote ] 
| Nintendo's Wii led by a wide margin in U.S. video-game console unit sales in 
| February, followed by the Sony's PlayStation 3, according to data released by 
| the NPD Group this afternoon. Microsoft's Xbox 360 came in third among 
| current-generation consoles for the second straight month. Here are the 
| numbers that NPD released:    
| Nintendo Wii: 432,000
| PlayStation 2: 352,000
| PlayStation 3: 281,000
| Xbox 360: 255,000


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