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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Miserable Gamble with Yahoo & Debt

A Microsoft-Yahoo Ad Network Still Isn't Google

,----[ Quote ]
| I can't see how Microsoft buying an ad network filled with junk clicks will 
| really move Ballmer toward his goal of catching Google. Yahoo is already far 
| behind Google in this business, and Microsoft's own efforts are far from 
| stellar. Even combined, they are only about half the size of Google in the ad 
| space.    


Also new:

U.S Stocks Retreat on Recession Concern; Microsoft, GE Fall 


Open source suffers from no recession. It benefits from it (see links at the

Eben Moglen suggested that he thinks Microsoft truly is of two minds, with more
of the company behind a Ray Ozzie-esque "open up" mind, with Steve Ballmer
kicking and screaming as the other mind. See the article recently about him
going "off script" and speaking about retirement. Microsoft actually would
need to **borrow** $20+ billion just to buy Yahoo. Remember Enron? PERCEPTION
stands in the way. It's media hypnosis. Bill Parish:



No Recession at Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| It is flattering to be mentioned, Mr. Whitehurst said, but he noted that 
| corporate customers and the industry benefit from what he called Red 
| Hat’s “Switzerland status” — not being a province of one of the major powers 
| in the technology industry.   


VC funding for open source hits an all-time high

,----[ Quote ]
| Incidentally, total funding to date stands at $2.64bn.


Open-source venture investing hits an all-time high

,----[ Quote ]
| Just when you thought venture interest in open source was quieting down, 
| along comes the biggest quarter in open source's (still young) history: 
| $203.75 million raised, as reported by The 451 Group. This trumped the 
| previous record of $193.6 million from Q4 2006.    


How Open Technology Could Lead Us Out Of Recession

,----[ Quote ]
| At the same time, the United States has not only lost its former dominance in 
| world technology, it is rapidly achieving a status of "a nation of 
| shopkeepers".  
| We need to remove the barriers to entering the market. We need to be the 
| innovators in science and technology again. We need to regain the excitement 
| we had about scientific progress back in the 1940's and 1950's. We need 
| technicians in white lab coats, and we need to look up to them because they 
| are giving us wonderful things like atomic power and trips to the moon again. 
| We need kids to be excited about getting a chemistry set again. We need to 
| let those garage start-ups break out of that garage and open up their own 
| factory. We need to bring back homebrew computer clubs. We need people who 
| can say that they know something about computers besides how to turn one on.        
| In short, we need more geeks. Geeks make money.


Economic downturn = Financial upturn for GroundWork and open source

,----[ Quote ]
| It's a great time to be in open source. When I see people straining to sell 
| and buy homes, I can smell the recession. But when I go to work selling 
| open-source solutions, I can taste prosperity. A downturn separates the wheat 
| from the chaff. Here's hoping for even more open-source "wheat."   


Schmidt: Google 'well-positioned' for a recession

,----[ Quote ]
| Google, the world's leading Internet search engine, said Tuesday it can 
| weather any economic downturn because its advertisers are broad-based. 
| Chief Executive Eric Schmidt acknowledged that a shortage of credit in 
| financial markets is a "very serious issue" and that many people are 
| expecting a global economic slowdown.  
| "It's too early to say if there's (already) been any specific impact. But if 
| there were, I don't think it would be much," Schmidt told reporters at a 
| briefing during a visit to Sydney, Australia.   


Sun: Economic slowdown favors open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking to ZDNetAsia in an exclusive interview, he said the economic 
| slowdown in the United States will favor open source companies. "During an 
| economic slowdown, not everything slows down [and] IT projects will continue 
| to be undertaken. But IT budgets will be reduced," he said, noting that 
| companies will then turn to lower cost software options such as open source.     


Software Firms Face Recession Ripple Effect

,----[ Quote ]
| If the economic downturn hits the information technology sector, investors in 
| business software companies are probably safe for one more quarter of 
| earnings reports.  


Forrester cuts tech outlook on U.S. recession risk

,----[ Quote ]
| Technology research firm Forrester Research Inc cut its forecast for 2008 
| global technology purchasing growth by a third on Sunday, citing the risks of 
| a U.S. recession  


Forrester, IDC cut tech outlook on US recession risk


Recession fears could end bull market

,----[ Quote ]
| The slide could be halted, however, if bellwether companies such as Apple and 
| United Technologies engender hope that the U.S. economy can avert recession. 


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