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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Mind-poisoning Trips and 'Sessions'

Microsoft Meets Open Source: Glasnost 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Last week I spent two days on campus in Redmond with about 40 of my industry 
| colleagues at the Microsoft Technology Summit, an annual invite-only event 
| where Microsoft selects a swath of people from all over the world — key 
| technology influencers — to learn about what the company is doing in its 
| development labs and to preview advanced technology and new products, as well 
| as to provide an environment for face to face dialogue and direct feedback.     
| [...]
| With the exception of Rob Enderle and myself – who were the only 
| two “Professional” journalists and analysts present at the event as far as I 
| could tell — the entire guest list was stacked with Open Source community 
| folks, such as William Hurley, BMC Software’s Chief Open Source strategist 
| and David Recordon, the the founder of OpenID. It wasn’t all Penguinista 
| heavyweights either – there were a bunch of people who ran OSS-heavy IT shops 
| at major corporations and even academic types from developing countries in 

| Africa who were using Open Source software to put technology in the hands of 
| underprivileged kids, like the guy who was deploying Ubuntu and Linux 
| Terminal Server thin clients to students in his home country of Namibia.         


Source Community?

,----[ Quote ]
| Smith also outlined what he said were Microsoft’s four big principles when it 
| comes to intellectual property issues and open source software: First, 
| a “well-functioning patent system” is a good thing. Second, there needs to be 
| a bridge between different development, distribution and business models. 
| Third, patents are best sorted out by “industry leaders [read: Microsoft and 
| other big companies], so developers and customers don’t have to deal with 
| these issues themselves.” And finally, everybody needs to make some 
| compromises.       


There are still some naive managers who do Microsoft's legwork and let it
subvert 'open source'.


No Justification Need

,----[ Quote ]
| What's at the forefront of my crabbiness is the almost-complete capture of 
| the Open Source Business Conference's news cycle by Brad Smith's presence at 
| that conference left me wondering who else was even there this week, other 
| than Smith, Matt Asay, and a few pundits and luminaries. In a nicely done 
| spin for the media, OSBC suddenly became about how Microsoft braved the 
| lion's den, instead of the real progress a lot of companies are making in 
| open source development and business.      


All That Got Stolen Was Microsoft's Thunder 

,----[ Quote ]
| The best response I've seen was from Jonathan Corbet at a panel at the Open 
| Source Business Conference in San Francisco last May. Corbet is a Linux 
| kernel developer himself and executive editor of the Linux Weekly News.  
| "I feel I've been called a thief," he said levelly during a panel at the 
| event, and pointed out that Microsoft was one of the companies that had 
| patented "thousands of trivial functions ... There's no way to write a 
| nontrivial program that can't be claimed to infringe on someone's patents."   


Brad Smith continues its FUD spreading, wants to tax RedHat

,----[ Quote ]
| Brad Smith continues its FUD spreading, wants to tax RedHat. The only 
| solution for Microsoft to tax linux is software patents. Microsoft wants to 
| render GPL free software non-free. The message is clear.  
| [...]
| Microsoft needs to be sued more often, because in their current position they 
| still believe too much in a patent system where no software developer has 
| ever used a patent to write a computer program.  


Microsoft's dilemma: The importance of the downstream

,----[ Quote ]
| To work within the open-source community, which Microsoft will absolutely 
| have to do if it wants to remain relevant in the 21st century of the Web, 
| Microsoft must stop polluting the downstream with patent encumbrances. 
| Period. Full stop. Microsoft is not alone in being threatened by open source. 
| Everyone is to a greater or lesser extent, including open-source companies. 
| MySQL's biggest competitor is not Oracle. It is fee-free use of MySQL. Ditto 
| for other open-source companies.      


Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was Microsoft's biggest 
| competitor and you said not just on the business side, but overall. If I ask 
| you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that. 


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