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Re: [News] Al Jazeera Uses GNU/Linux

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ Sean Inglis on Wednesday 09 April 2008 22:52 : \____
>> The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
>>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Sean Inglis
>>> <now@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>  wrote
>>> on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 15:44:13 +0100
>>> <664322F2ikrajU1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 09 Apr 2008 03:50:31 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>> Open source key to Al Jazeera's Web 2.0 success
>>>>> It figures.................................
>>>> Tell me Moshe, what is that remark supposed to mean? What's behind the
>>>> ellipses that you seem so reluctant to articulate?
>>> Isn't it obvious?  If one's using Linux one is helping
>>> the terrorists.  Support Microsoft instead, and be for
>>> the good guys....
>> Well I was hoping for an answer from the OP to confirm, but I believe we
>> share the same suspicion; Moshe is confusing one or more terrorist
>> organisations with (generally respected) international news service which
>> is famed for it's "willingness to broadcast dissenting views"
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_jazeera
>> Moshe, if a paediatrician is reported to move in next door, don't grasp for
>> Megan's Law before consulting a dictionary.
> Don't try to talk sense into Gary Stewart (flatfish). Better to plonk it
> instead.

The remark is based on a real incident on a housing estate in Southampton,
where a Paediatrician's house was attacked by a rampaging mob mainly
due to their illiteracy.  That's not all, though, some idiots at
Hampshire County Council confused some poor electrician's name, and then
tried to amend council records in order to cover up his/her mistake -
read here:  http://archive.thisishampshire.net/2004/12/16/16148.html 
The poor guy had his car and house vandalised, amongst other things, and
the council refused initially even to apologise for what they'd done.

By the way, I used to enjoy watching Al Jazeera, but in the end, the
English Language version was terminated on the European footprint
satellites.  It was a refreshing change from the usual fare...

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