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Re: [News] Ashley "only 600 Linux users" Highfield quits the MSBBC

Ezekiel <a@xxxxx> espoused:
> "Homer" <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:o81dd5-lio.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Good riddance:
>> Huggers is being touted as a possible successor.
>> Huggers can "get stuffed" too. Hopefully he and the rest of the Vole's
>> goons will be next.
> If you COLA nuts are so smart and these guys so clueless then why is it 
> that these guys are the ones in a position of authority and running things. 
> Why aren't you COLA know-it-all's calling the shots?

Err, Ashley Highfield just lost his job.  

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