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Re: [News] [Rival] Rumour: Microsoft to Just Imitate Apple

  • Subject: Re: [News] [Rival] Rumour: Microsoft to Just Imitate Apple
  • From: Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:59:06 +0100
  • Bytes: 4195
  • In-reply-to: <2556059.UBiTz0xzBy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
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Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:

> Microsoft Considering Its Own Retail Stores

A.k.a. The Sweaty Shop of Horrors.

I'd love them to do that ... so they can end up with egg on their face.

IMO it'd be a total bust.

Consumers use Windows because it's all they know; it's spoon-fed to them
by the OEM, whilst the Vole's henchman stands behind the OEM with a
shotgun. Nobody I know has ever actively *sought out* a copy of Windows,
except those who were looking for a pirate copy of course. They're just
lumbered with it courtesy of the hardware vendor. The same goes for
Office, which people use because it's the default on their corporate
desktop, or pre-installed, like Windows, on their home system.

Who would ever seek out and shop at a Microsoft store? Seriously?

Mac stores, OTOH, attract a certain kind of people - the kind who
furnish their homes feng shui style; dress like characters from Miami
Vice; buy "Lifestyle" Hi-Fi systems that sound like crap but cost ten
times as much as a decent Hi-Fi; and burst into tears of joy every time
Messiah Jobs speaks. They're true believers; highly impressionable
spendaholics, with more money than sense.

Actually, now that I put it that way ... maybe a Microsoft store /would/
be a viable proposition.

Nah. With the exception of a small minority of shills (most of whom seem
to have taken up permanent residence in COLA), most Windows users that I
know are /not/ devoted to the Vole. Most of them are just hapless
victims, who bemoan the multifarious deficiencies of Windows, but carry
on regardless out of apathy and fear of change. I don't see any of those
people making the effort to actually go to a Microsoft store for
anything ... other than perhaps to make a series of complaints.

Hmm, now /there's/ an idea. Instead of wasting time with this ridiculous
Sweaty Shop of Horrors idea, maybe the Vole would be better making
walk-in customer service points with a complaints desk.

Prepare for long queues, however. In fact, bring a sleeping bag; a tent;
a Portaloo®; and a two week supply of rations.


| 'When it comes to knowledge, "ownership" just doesn't make sense'
|     ~ Cory Doctorow, The Guardian.  http://tinyurl.com/22bgx8

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
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