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[News] Novell Comes Under Another Wave of Criticism from Sun

Sun’s Phipps: Novell Has a Big Problem

,----[ Quote ]
| To get Sun’s side, I talked to the company’s chief open source officer, Simon 
| Phipps, on Wednesday. He certainly didn’t pull any punches. In response to 
| Hovsepian’s suggestion that Sun’s open source strategy — balancing open 
| source and commercial interests — isn’t right, Phipps says:   
|     Novell’s got a big problem. What they’re doing is trying to sell open 
|     source software as if it was proprietary software. The comment that Mr. 
|     Hovsepian made seems to be projecting Novell’s malaise onto Sun, but we 
|     don’t have that malaise. We ship a completely free piece of software that  
|     anyone can download and use without any restrictions.   


Second time in a week. Novell is distancing itself.

"Bill Gates looks at everything as something that should be his. He acts in any
way he can to make it his. It can be an idea, market share, or a contract.
There is not an ounce of conscientiousness or compassion in him. The notion of
fairness means nothing to him. The only thing he understands is leverage."

                                        --Philippe Kahn


Sun Refuses LGPL for OpenOffice; Novell forks

,----[ Quote ]
| Because of Sun's refusal to accept LPGL extensions in the upstream code, 
| Michael Meeks (who recently talked about Sun's OO.o community failings, and 
| ODF and OOXML) has announced ooo-build (previously just for build fixes) is 
| now a formal fork of OpenOffice to be located at http://go-oo.org/.    


Sun's new MD to focus on green IT and open source

,----[ Quote ]
| When asked about the future direction of Sun, Bennet highlighted two key 
| areas. "One area is open source, we will be very focused on that," Bennet 
| said, noting that there had now been 12 million downloads of Solaris, Sun's 
| open source operating system.   


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