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Re: [News] Bill Gates' Latest Smear, FUD Tactics and Fake "Retirement"

____/ RonB on Thursday 24 April 2008 01:57 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Bill Gates Claims Open Source Means Nobody Can Improve Software
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | His complaint is that open source creates a license "so that nobody can
>> | ever improve the software." It's hard to figure out how to respond to
>> | that statement since it's the exact opposite of how open source software
>> | works. The exact point is that anyone can improve the software. It's
>> | proprietary software like Microsoft's that's limited such that only
>> | Microsoft is allowed to improve it. It's no secret that Gates isn't a
>> | fan of open source software, but it still seems odd that he would make a
>> | statement that is so obviously false, both in theory and in practice.
>> | Perhaps old FUD habits die hard, but one would hope that as he enters
>> | "retirement" he'll have a more open mind on such things.
>> `----
> Didn't realize Vista ME was open source.

It *might* eventually be, but Ballmer says that Vista ME is still "work in
progress." When will there be a final release of Vista?

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | while (!0==1) echo 'Bill Gates' > /dev/null
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