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[News] Low-power Requirements Lead to Free Software and GNU/Linux

Power saving - another case for open source

,----[ Quote ]
| I can see how to do this with Linux and other open source OSs. Indeed, Linux 
| in particular has a great tradition of encouraging innovation in the lower 
| levels of the system. People do this a lot.  


When OS X and Windows run today's supercomputers, then it'll be "innovation"
and "energy efficient". For the time being, in 90% of the cases it's Linux.

Penguin Computing to Offer Splunk-Powered Enhanced Support Offerings and Resell
Splunk to Broaden Customer Application Capabilities

,----[ Quote ]
| Penguin Computing, a leading provider of Linux solutions, and Splunk, the IT 
| Search company have entered an agreement allowing Penguin Computing to use 
| Splunk in their enhanced support offerings, and to resell Splunk in North 
| America.   



Tux fuels the HPC market

,----[ Quote ]
| ..very year, since then, Linux, open source compilers and tools have been 
| increasing their share in this space due to their commodity nature, lower 
| cost factor and reasonable performance.  
| “Linux as server OS technology fits in very well with the HPC segment. 
| Overwhelmingly the majority of today’s HPC clusters are based on Linux. Some 
| of the key benefits which are driving this adoption are high performance, 
| scalability, flexibility, affordability and of course, an increasing 
| ecosystem of hardware and software vendors supporting Linux for the HPC 
| market,” explained Nandu Pradhan, President and Managing Director, Red Hat 
| India.      


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