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News] DistroWatch Reviews Mandriva Linux on OLPC; Latest The Linux Gazette

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Mandriva Flash 2008.1 on ASUS Eee PC 900

,----[ Quote ]
| After some three months of keeping the default Xandros installation on my 
| ASUS Eee PC, it was time for a change. While the Eee PC variant of Xandros 
| Desktop is an extremely well-designed and an excellent entry-level Linux for 
| anyone looking for basic Internet and computing functionality, it's unlikely 
| that it would satisfy an average computer geek for too long. Sooner or later 
| its limitations in terms of power computing and software installation, not to 
| mention the "don't leave it alone" desire to tinker with any new toy, would 
| likely see many of these netbooks' flash drives being wiped clean, making 
| room for a new, more powerful operating system.        


The Linux Gazette: August 2008 (#153)

,----[ Quote ]
| # Making a Slideshow-type MPEG1 Video with GNU/Linux, by bhaaluu
| # Recent Developments in the Phoenix Project, by Kishore A
| # DNS source port randomisation, by Rick Moen
| # Populating a Filesystem with Random Data, by René Pfeiffer
| # Joey's Notes: Basic Networking and IP Forwarding, by Joey Prestia
| # Desktop Bluetooth Remote, by Dr. Volker Ziemann



Installing Mandriva 2008.1 on the ASUS Eee PC

,----[ Quote ]
| Out of the many distributions that work on the Eee PC, Mandriva Linux 2008
| Spring (or 2008.1) is one that works exceptionally well. It can be installed
| to the built-in SSD or onto an external SD card.


Mandriva leaps into the netbook market with the GDium

,----[ Quote ]
| Lately it's hard to avoid the buzz about netbooks - the small, cheap laptop
| systems that were popularized by the Asus Eee PC (which, of course, Mandriva
| Linux 2008 Spring supports very well). Many in the community have asked if
| Mandriva is going to get directly involved in this market. Well, the answer
| is yes! Mandriva is providing the innovative operating system for the
| upcoming GDium netbook system, produced by Emtec.


Mandriva 2009 Beta 1 Brings You KDE 4.1

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva announced the first beta release of Mandriva 2009, which brings KDE
| 4.1, GNOME 2.23.5, Firefox 3, and the final version of Linux kernel 2.6.26
| with tethering support for Windows Mobile 5+. Also, in this beta, the old
| bootsplash is finally replaced by Splashy and the synce framework makes its
| first appearance, which brings synchronization support for Windows Mobile
| 2003 devices.


2009.0 Beta 1

,----[ Quote ]
| The first beta for Mandriva Linux 2009, code named thornicrofti, is now
| available. There is information about the new release in various places:
|     * Mandriva Linux 2009 release notes: these will be updated to reflect the
|       status of the current pre-release.
|     * Mandriva Linux 2009 Errata: these will be updated to reflect the status
|       of the current pre-release.
|     * A guide to some major new features of Mandriva Linux 2009
|     * The release schedule and technical specifications for Mandriva Linux
|       2009: all of these may not be implemented.


Mandriva Linux 2009 Alpha 2 released

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva is proud to announce the release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring Alpha
| 2, marking the first public pre-release of the upcoming Mandriva Linux 2009.
| This alpha introduces several significant changes, most obviously the
| inclusion of KDE 4 - 4.1 beta 2, specifically - as the default version of
| KDE, and the latest development version of GNOME, 2.23.4. The kernel has also
| been updated to release 2.6.26rc7.


Living with Mandriva 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| This is currently my favorite popular distro. From a practical standpoint, I
| feel it is better than Windows Vista. I don’t say that as a Linux slappy.
| Looking at it from an angle of which OS enables me to do the things I need to
| do day in and day out, Mandriva shines. My next article will compare Vista
| and Mandriva 2008 in depth, and I will convince you why 2008 wins.


Mandriva Plunge: following the 2009 release

,----[ Quote ]
| On the plus side, this Alpha 2 release is far more stable on this laptop than
| the previous stable release. It’s fast, snappy and the screen doesn’t freeze
| or lock on me. If this is the starting point I am more than curious to see
| how it pans out in the coming months.


Mandriva Linux 2009.0 First Impressions

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all I'm impressed, both with Mandriva 2009.0, and it's only an Alpha
| release, and KDE4. Never thought I'd say that.


Notes from the Field: Mandriva 2009 KDE Alpha 2

,----[ Quote ]
| I choose to test the alpha 2 release with the KDE desktop because Mandriva
| 2009 will eventually ship using KDE 4.1, everone's favorite desktop. Alpha 2
| is also supposed to ship with the latest video drivers for both ATI and
| nVidia, which means that it should also support Compiz. Unfortunately alpha 2
| did not, even though the current version of Mandriva does, and quite well.


Mandriva 2009 Alpha 2 Brings You a Beautiful KDE 4 Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva announced last night the second alpha release of Mandriva 2009,
| which brings KDE4 (default desktop), GNOME 2.23.4, and support for the newest
| NVIDIA and ATI/AMD video cards.


Mandriva Linux 2009 Alpha 2 released

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva is proud to announce the release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring Alpha
| 2, marking the first public pre-release of the upcoming Mandriva Linux 2009.
| This alpha introduces several significant changes, most obviously the
| inclusion of KDE 4 - 4.1 beta 2, specifically - as the default version of
| KDE, and the latest development version of GNOME, 2.23.4. The kernel has also
| been updated to release 2.6.26rc7.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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