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Test Driving Zenwalk 5.2 Beta Gnome Edition
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| This was my first ever adventure with a Slakware-based GNU/Linux distribution
| so I cannot say it has been an easy, effortless task, but that's probably
| just my lack of experience, because, after I finished the installation and
| testing of Zenwalk 5.2 Beta Gnome edition, it all made much more sense.
| Still, I would have greatly appreciated a more intuitive installer which
| could guide through the steps to a trouble-free installation accompanied with
| slightly (more) detailed explanations, especially at the partitioning stage.
| And now, let's have a closer look at what this edition of Zenwalk brings to
| the new Linux user!
Zenwalk 5.2 on a Dell Inspiron 1150 Review
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| I’ve been running with Zenwalk for about a week and am really liking it. I
| have tried both the Standard and Live versions and they each have impressed
| me. The Live version has a CD ISO remastering tool so you can make someone
| your very own custom version of Zenwalk.
Releases : Zenwalk 5.2 is ready !
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| The long awaited Zenwalk 5.2 is now available.
| In the 4 months since the last release many enhancements have been made. The
| Zenwalk GNU/Linux OS brings to its users both the latest stable software, a
| well polished Desktop and an ever-increasing software repository.
Zenwalk Continues To Impress With 5.2 Beta
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| While our friends at DistroWatch only rate Zenwalk as the 19th most popular
| Linux distribution, we have been very impressed by their recent releases and
| have felt that it is a distribution worth trying as it is an unsung hero.
| With the Zenwalk 5.2 Beta having been released yesterday, we immediately took
| this new release for a quick test-drive.
| [...]
| We have just been using Zenwalk 5.2 beta for a few hours now, but it
| continues to live on as a distribution we would certainly recommend at least
| trying out. Zenwalk is quite polished and has a nice theme/artwork and is
| full-featured for being on an Xfce desktop and the ISO coming in at just over
| 500MB. More information on this Linux distribution can be found at
| Zenwalk.org.
Zenwalk Linux 5.2 Beta Available Now - Ever tried zen computing?
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| After 4 months of hard work, Zenwalk team is proud to announce the immediate
| availability of Zenwalk Linux 5.2 Beta: "The long awaited Zenwalk 5.2 is out
| in Beta. It's been
| 4 months since the last release, and it is time to brush off the packages" -
| says the Zenwalk team in the release announcement. If you're wondering what's
| new in this version, let us tell you that it's packed with a revamped package
| manager, netpkg "new generation" v4, which has been fully rewritten in
| Perl-GTK, the unbeatable media player for Linux, MPlayer, has support for DVD
| menus, and the resume/suspend operations were greatly improved.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)