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Re: [News] Dell Launches GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks Shortly, Expands Offers

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____/ Sinister Midget on Tuesday 12 August 2008 15:22 : \____

> On 2008-08-12, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> Dell shipping five Hardy Heron systems
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Dell is shipping two new laptops with widescreen LCD displays and Ubuntu
>>| Hardy Heron (8.04) operating systems with DVD playback. Additionally, the
>>| largest U.S. PC maker has started offering Hardy Heron on three models
>>| previously available with the earlier Gutsy Gibbon Ubuntu release.
>> `----
>> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS9261965222.html?kc=rss
> Trying to think like a DuFuS (an all but impossible feat) or a TAB
> (much easier than trying to think like a DuFuS, but still tough), this
> must mean Dell is losing money on linux because nobody wants it.
> Follow me here. Dell lost money selling linux on 2 models (still in
> Dipshit© "thinking" mode). Sales were too low. So they upped the ante
> by 3 more models so they could hopefully sell a few more (about 2.5
> times as many) and recoup the losses.
> Ow, that hurt! I don't like trying to think like those guys. It's too
> hard trying to ignore the fact that it's a *bigger* investment in terms
> of hardware and software combinations, and no company would be so
> moronic as to /increase/ the level of something that loses money
> (except MS by all appearances) at a time when sales are in the doldrums
> on all products, especially their really hot-selling Windross machines.
There's more good news coming. Dell has just begun using Linux as complementary
to compete better and offer added value. Just like ASUS, they play Microsoft
Yo-Yo. Now it's Microsoft that runs begging to the OEMs...

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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