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[News] Many More Microsoft Shills Exposed and Listed

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Poison Pen Collection

,----[ Quote ]
| This is going to be a list of big publisher shills. Those are people who take 
| their marching orders from big companies but pretend to be independent 
| experts.   


Association for Competitive Technology

,----[ Quote ]
| The Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) was a group that was founded 
| in 1998 in response to the anti-trust action against Microsoft then taking 
| place in the United States. (The groups websi  
| The initial version of the groups website, which was first indexed in October 
| 1999, stated that "as a grassroots information technology trade association, 
| ACT is working to preserve the freedom to achieve, compete and innovate." 
| (The group's orignial office address was 1225 Eye St. NW, Suite 500, 
| Washington, DC, 20005.    
| te is no longer active and the last archived version of its website dates 
| from July 2007, so the group now appears to be defunct). 
| [...]
|     * Jonathan Zuck, Founder President 1999-2007
|     * Steve DelBianco, Vice President for Public Policy 1999-2007
|     * Morgan W. Reed, Vice President for Public Affairs 1999-2007
|     * Mark Blafkin, Vice President for Public Affairs -2007
|     * Braden Cox, Research and Policy Counsel - 2007
|     * Melissa Moskal, Director of Membership -2007
|     * Allison May Rosen 1999-




Corn Farmers Against Google?

,----[ Quote ]
| Only if they're planting in AstroTurf
| [...]
| How do you know the organization, and the op-ed, weren't created by LawMedia
| Group at the behest of some well-funded clients? If they did their jobs
| right, you don't know.
| Some of them have left digital fingerprints here and there, though, says
| Declan McCullagh, in a blockbuster of a report exposing the intellectual
| whoredom offered for various important issues. Shortly after Microsoft hired
| LawMedia, for example, legislators, national agencies, and news outlets
| received pointed complaints from coalitions of farmers, rural voters, and
| geeky Latinos about how Google's advertising deal with Yahoo would wreck
| everything.
| [...]
| Don't call them a PR firm or a lobbying firm though, Law Media – which has a
| ton of lawyers working for them too—is a "public affairs firm" specializing
| in producing "remarkable coalitions" for anything one might need a coalition
| for.


SC34 meeting next week: yet another stuffed committee?

,----[ Quote ]
| Next week on Monday and Tuesday there will be an SC34 meeting, where the
| maintenance of the inexistant DIS29500 specification will be discussed.
| Surprise, half of the seats will be occupied by Microsoft and ECMA:
|           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|     Adam Farquhar (Ecma)
|     Alex Brown (UK)
|     Benjamin Henrion (BE)
|     Brett Roberts (NZ)
|     Dave Welsh (US)
|     Doug Mahugh (Ecma)
|     Francis Cave (GB)
|     Isabelle Valet-Harper (Ecma)
|     Istvan Sebestyen (Ecma)
|     Jasper Hedegaard Bojsen (DK)
|     Jean Paoli (Ecma)
|     Jean Stride (GB)
|     Jesper Lund Stocholm (DK)
|     Jirka Kosek (CZ)
|     Keld Simonsen (NO)
|     Ken Holman (CA)
|     Kimmo Bergius (FI)
|     Manu Setälä (FI)
|     Michiel Leenaars (NL)
|     Murata Makoto (JP)
|     Patrick Durusau (US)
|     Pia Elleby Lange (DK)
|     Rex Jaeschke (Ecma)
|     Shahzad Rana (NO)
|     Wemba Opota (CI)


China's Online Persuaders

,----[ Quote ]
| China's webspace is infamous for censorship, but increasingly, public
| relations firms there are helping their clients "manage" online
| conversations. China-based firms such as Daqi, Chinese Web Union and
| CIC "charge $500 - $25,000 monthly to monitor postings and squelch negative
| information or to create positive buzz," reports BusinessWeek.


Now Hiring - Astroturfer, apply at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Evidently, a "Senior Marketing Manager" has the responsibility of:
|     * "assisting in defining and driving core marketing initiatives – most
|     specifically online & offline community-building"
|     * "further the dialogue on the value of the Microsoft platform to open
|     source audiences"
|     * "be a cornerstone for a global thought leadership website and will be
|     regularly featured in industry press around the world"
|     * "act as a visible external evangelist for Microsoft"
| Wow! That's all direct quotes from the job description. It is so blatant, I'm
| beginning to wonder if it's some kind of joke. Particularly the 'evangelist'
| line.
| Kind of like the famous Halloween documents, this posting really tips
| Microsoft's hand and shows us exactly what they're thinking. After all the
| smoke and mirrors over the deals with Linux distros Suse, Linspire, Xandross,
| and Turbo Linux, this shows that those distros were in fact acquired in order
| to be killed. It's not Linux that Microsoft wants, it's the customers.



Microsoft sets spinners on court verdict

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft may have lost in court, but it quickly tried to win the war of 
| media reaction via organisations like CompTIA, the Computing Technology 
| Industry Association and ACT (the Association for Competitive Technology) 
| which both intervened in court on its side.   


Microsoft Pays $200 for Mentioning Its Tools

,----[ Quote ]
| If you're a professor and you mention Microsoft programming tools in a
| scholarly presentation -- in fact, even if you just use the tools --
| Microsoft will send you a check for $200.  


The Best Enthusiasm Money Can Buy

,----[ Quote ]
| We might think that spending several hundreds of millions of dollars every
| year on commercial speech would be just about enough to allow any company
| to "tell its story" to the public. But we would not be Microsoft, who the Los
| Angeles Times revealed was gearing up a multi-million dollar public relations
| campaign which included planting ersatz letters to the editor in major
| national newspapers. The goal: to create the appearance, if not the reality,
| of "grassroots" support for the company.      
| "Spontaneous" testimonials penned by hired guns may not be an entirely novel
| idea in the surreal world of public relations, but Microsoft's response to
| having been caught in the act of committing such a crass act was certainly
| uncommon. At first, the company denied their intentions to actually implement
| such a plan. Then, a few days later, company spokespersons announced a new
| spin: Microsoft has a perfect right to engage in public opinion manipulation
| campaigns, if that's what it takes to "tell its story."      
| Now, what exactly was that story, again?


Microsoft pays star writers to recite slogan

,----[ Quote ]
| The stodgy old media industry has a rule that newspaper reporters, and TV
| news hosts, shouldn't trade on their public trust to endorse products.

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